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are all men lazy good for nothing greedy so and so's?...

dragondoo's picture

Ok-so yesterday i may have been having second thoughts but last night exbf made it a whole lot easier for me..
Despite the fact that I had my own home and everything for a home when we met, and eb had nothing literally..because of his ideal of having a lovely suburb setup with missus in pinny, kids down every other week I had to uplift all my stuff and move across town.. practically packing up single handed (because as he pointed out at the time it was my stuff and I knew where I'd like it to go..B****..Even though he expected to use everything) and then do the same the other end-transferring all the utilities in my lunch hours, asking family and friends for handouts to help furnish kids room and stuff..Even tho this happened...last night exb came in and started ticking off stuff I didn't need...(eg. spare bed which i'd begged from my sister for his eldest skid, extra settee from my mother..even down to the broadband which I spend about a week trying to arrange and has a direct debitFROM MY ACCOUNT.THis he decided to transfer to his new place because it was easier...)
FFS..I am spitting feathers..I am now more than ever glad that I've made the best decision of my life..I am even considering invoicing him for the stuff the kids have broken/trashed plus the phone calls from abroad to them he made from my mobile phone...
He has contributed nothing to this relationship.and now he tells me he's planning to buy everything new plus a massive flat screen tv for his new place, despite the fact he hasn't so much as taken me out for a drink in the last 6 months due to his having "no money" to spend on our home or relationship (and then taking the kids out on day trips, the best dvds, new clothes, and feeding them pounds worth of crap during their visits..It wouldn't be so bad if they appreciated it but now they just want want want and are never encouraged to say so much as a thankyou)
I am going to stop ranting now because Im being very self obsessed & boring and maybe it's not good to post when you're so angry!


Pantera's picture

I think its great to post when youre angry. I hope all works out for you.

I know how you feel about EXBF buying new things when he didn't have money to do anything with you. DH does this to me all of the time. Let his butt go into debt buying all that new stuff. What a jerk!!! I think most of the time they say these things just to get under our skin. He knows his life was better with you. Don't let him get under your skin. Stay strong.

dragondoo's picture

Damn right..when we moved here I didn't rent my place out for a couple of months so I was effectively payin 2 rents and when I told him how worried I was (I got myself in severe mess for this guy) he didn't offer to help out..
As we divide all the bills last month i'd paid £300 more than him so I asked him to pay the water bill which was about £200..He told me he couldn't afford to until payday the next friday. So we got 2 final demands and a week before his payday he went out and blew £250 on a suit for work..still having not covered the bill.
I was really amazed..aside from the fact that I gave up all the stuff I used to have like new clothes, hair dos to afford this place so he could have the house he wanted for his kids, i also did his washing (yuk) made fat filled lunches for him (yukky) and did ironing cleaning etc. Once a week he hoovered and then told me he'd cleaned.
Good god..I never thought I would feel this bitter..but I do. And you're right-he's probably doing it on purpose but if I have to sell me soul to cover the rent and have him move out asap I'll do it.

stepkate's picture

Wait...if he couldn't afford the TV and extras with you covering over half his bills, how is he going to do it alone?

Between this and your last post where he tried to use your illness to guilt you into accepting his three children, I think this guy has some serious ego/entitlement issues.

now4teens's picture

Sweetie, I'm sorry he did this to you. He's truly low- plain and simple, and you deserve so much better.

But remember, in answer to your question- NO, not ALL men are greedy, lazy, so-and-so's!
Just like not all BMs are not greedy, lazy, child-support grubbing whores...


So after you move on from THIS particular man, who IS indeed what you have accurately descibed, remember not to let it color your opinion of one day finding a really GOOD MAN-

the one you DO DESERVE!

You will get through this! Stay strong!

tibanyolin's picture

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