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dragondoo's Blog


dragondoo's picture

hey everybody..thought I'd log back in and b*gger him if he wants to look..and maybe because I miss you guys and nobody else seems to understand.. :?

break a leg!...

dragondoo's picture

And seems as if nothing of mine is mine anymore-not even my blogs...and so I can't blog anymore without fear of it being read.
I guess it is only right as due to my circumstances I am no longer officially a member of the StepTalk club. I want to thank you all for your kindness during my short stay here..some of your stories made me so sad and I only hope theres a much brighter life out there for all of you.

in grief but nobody died...

dragondoo's picture I am living out the final rented days on this house with a man who I've told I don't want to be with because of his kids..
I feel like fact-I feel like I'm grieving because living with someone you can't touch or talk to properly because of your own choices is not a good situation..

I've reached the end of the road....

dragondoo's picture

Not sure how I got here..from a single, independent career girl with her own home and pretty great life-to living in a rented frankly disgustingly maintained house which we had to rent because of the rooms for the kids and the garden..My house wasn't good enough despite them coming every other weekend only..(this turned out to be an exaggeration as holidays and double weekenders have appeared at the last minute with no discussion with me..)