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Charly's Blog

Best Mother's Day gift Evah!

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No kids until Sunday!!!

My boys are with their Dad this weekend, I get them early Sunday (yay) and my DH is sending the skids to Grandmas for the weekend!! Woo hoo!

My bday is next Tuesday so we are kind of having a birthday weekend for me, our friend is a popular country singer and he's in town this weekend for a concert! I'm getting dolled up and I'm going to be pampered, and I'm going to love every single minute of it!!!

I'm a little excited...:)

Gold star for my behavior!

Charly's picture

Yesterday I traded SD a banana for a hug. Dh saw it and it was good.

Last night SD picked some of my planted flowers and brought them to me, I smiled (while gritting my teeth) and said "thank you", DH saw it and it was good.

I helped SD into her pj's last night. Dh saw it and it was good.

I traded another banana for a hug AND a high five this morning. Dh saw it, and it was good.

DH sat back and looked at all he had "created" The home was happy, he liked what he saw, and it was good. DH is man, hear him roar.

I'll trade you a banana for a hug

Charly's picture

I have continued to think about DH'S comments about not being willing to have a baby with me right now because SD4 and I don't have such a great relationship. I want our home to be a happy home. Part of me wants to attempt to make the relationship better to see if that really is the reason DH won't consider a baby with me, or if that was just an excuse. So I once again, gave it another attempt.


Charly's picture

I went to the parent teacher conference this morning with my XH and his future wife. Let me start by saying thank you to all who responded, I really appreciate everyone's input and it really helped me look at the big picture. I did not say anything to my XH about her attending the conference. I thanked him for letting me know and decided I would see how today went.

First let me explain what the purpose of the conference was.
1. To see all of the progress he's made this year
2. To develop a plan for the summer so he doesn't lose the momentum


Charly's picture

One of my boys has a parent teacher conference on Monday. My ex is actually involved and has my kids 50% of the time. We have really done well with co parenting post divorce. He is now engaged to be married and he informed me today that he will be bringing his fiancee to my son's conference.

I am trying to look at this from both sides, BM and step mom. I am not bringing my husband. I will update him on the conference and get his input, but the decisions that need to be made are up to me and my ex.

Procrastination Parenting

Charly's picture

My boys love cars. They have hundreds of little matchbox cars. They cherish these little cars. They have their very favorite super special ones, and then all the others. They know which cars belong to who, and they can probably tell you when and where they got it, just incase they are on trial to prove that the beloved matchbox car is theirs, the keep very detailed records in their heads about these cars and how they were acquired.
