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caya506's Blog

Tracking CS

caya506's picture

Abeaulieu's question on what CS is suppose to cover got me thinking about should CS be tracked?

Should the CP receiving CS be required to provide documentation of where the CS is going?

I guess I feel that there should be some accountability. Show the money is being used for the child, and not to maintain the parents lifestyle.

Holding My Breath

caya506's picture

So BM has agreed to a 50/50 split (week on week off started last friday), now it needs to go through the courts so it's all on paper. I am holding my breath, waiting to see if BM is actually going to follow through with this whole thing. She has told BF that she will get a statement notarized saying she is agreeing to this, and that she will pay for half of the filing costs. But I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Make BM Deal With It?

caya506's picture

I am really starting to wonder if things will ever "settle" down with regards to BM. It always seems just when things start going good and we get into a groove, something comes up to throw it all out of whack. Their divorce was finalized just this past march, after a 3 year battle, then just last week BM decided that SS3 needed to be with BF more often because she can't stand the sight of him and he pisses her off because SS reminds her too much of BF, so it's back to court they go.

Fathers Day

caya506's picture

So fathers day is coming up the week after next. My BF had made plans to be at his parents the week before fathers day to help them around their property, which is 7 hours away, as they are getting older and can't do as much of the stuff on their own anymore. He decided that since it was so close to fathers day that he would just stay there and spend it with his father, since he hasn't gotten to do this for many years.

Standing up to BM Cont.

caya506's picture

So last friday BM freaked out (see standing up to BM) Well she continued to refuse to bring SS to BFs, it is court ordered that the parent ending their time drop ss off at the parent beginning their parenting time. Here are her reasons for not wanting to bring SS.

Standing up to BM

caya506's picture

Alot of women on here have a problem with their s/o standing up to the BM's and getting their s/o to put them before the BM. I guess I'm kind of lucky not to have that problem. My BF absolutely refuses to let BM walk all over him or treat him like he is less than her. He does do some things that may be a favor for her (ie. picking up SS when she should be the one dropping him off to BF or keeping him an extra day here or there) but then if he asks for a favor, schedule change or whatever, she's more inclined to do so. But today he let her have it.
