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Finished Step Monster 2 weeks ago, beginning to see the light.........

Blue stepmother's picture

I think I'm on to something big......

I am going to re- invent myself. I have done all the mistakes every stepmother has ever done, and I was pretty devastated when I read step monster because I felt that there was no hope, like I had settled, and there was no way to be happy with a man with kids because of my own strong convictions of how children should be raised.

I was in a car accident last week and it has given me time to think about my role, because that is the thing that keeps tearing me apart. I don't know who I am to them, so I've decided I am my husband's girlfriend (MHGF). I remember when we first met. It was heaven, I was so in love, I could hardly breathe when I thought of him....well six years later and 30 lbs heavier, and constantly ruminating over how these children drive me crazy, and how he doesn't have a clue, I can barely stand living with these aliens.....

So back to me, I have always put myself last in the house. Been more frugal, more giving, more everything than any one else, trying desperately to set the example, and hoping that they might catch on. Ha! What a laugh, all they did was take up more space, spend what I didn't , didn't thank me, took advantage of my generosity, and didn't even notice if I was there, unless they wanted something, or I was screaming and yelling at them, which I was . Believe me, I became the step monster when normally I was a pretty well adjusted, nice person, that my friends liked....Wednesday Martin described it to a "T". I was so typical !!!!!!

I am going to go back, and do what I should have done in the first place. Be my husband's Girlfriend. I already have stepped back enormously, but with hatred and resentment, constantly seething from my every pore. I NOW KNOW I CAN NO LONGER CHANGE THEM, I CAN ONLY CHANGE MYSELF. SO I WILL. I AM GOING TO PUT MY ENERGIES INTO MYSELF, AND BUILD A STRONGER RELATIONSHIP WITH MY HUSBAND AND MY FRIENDS.

I will be joining my gym again, I just threw out a bunch of clothes I no longer want or wear, etc finish decorating the office, finish our bedroom, and no longer pay for all the things I was paying for before. I just felt beholden to the kids... Now I don't . If I do I have a strong talk with myself and steer myself away from those feelings. It's like developing a stronger sense of self, growing up, and stopping whining. They aren't taking anything I'm not why am I giving it? My best way of defining it is MHGF. His job is parenting, and my job is to take care of myself and love him.

I'll let you know how it goes, wish me luck!!!!!!


Hopingforthebest's picture

Wishing you luck! Stepmonster is a great book and a great revelation, I too have just joined weightwatchers and want to get back into shape..had a baby 4 months ago. I think you will find you have much less to resent when you aren;'t doing so much.

momof5_1969's picture

You go girl!! This is awesome and I'm so happy for you! You have inspired me to do the same. I am now going to work on finishing the book also. I feel like each day is a new day with the skids and I have to start fresh and that they are like vacuums sucking the life out of me, and I have to do bigger and more to get them to like me -- like everything I've done the days before are all forgotten. Does anyone else feel the same way?

I told my DH I was done. I'm not going over and above anymore with his kids. No more concerts, extra special desserts, extra special dinners, etc. Nothing. Why should I?

I'm so happy for you! And can't wait till I get there!

imjustthemaid's picture

Thats great! I agree we end up putting everyone else first and we always come last. I am also so sick of it and I decided this morning that I was going back on WW to get rid of the 20-30 lbs I put on (I blame SD and the stress she brings).

I think I would like to come first for awhile and I even hired a babysitter tomorrow so me and DH can go on a date finally.

Blue stepmother's picture

Thank you everyone! I will keep pressing forward, you should see the look on my DH face, he doesn't know what's going on, neither does the ss! It's priceless!

Blue stepmother's picture

Day three and going well. Kids are ramping it up because they notice my neutrality.....
The fun thing is that I just focus on me and my mate, and when he talks about them I just smile and look blank, or throw in a pretty neutral comment, and then move on.

Thanks for welcoming me back, giveitago, truth is, I was never there, not since they tried to take over my life! An added bonus is that even at work I'm more relaxed, especially with the tweens.( I teach elementary school).

Another thing I've noticed is really important, is to not try any form of nastiness or revenge, because then your right back in the loop, and they've drawn you in, once again.

I really really hope this works, because so far, I've been much more relaxed, and much happier,!!