Auteur's Blog
as of today. It has been eight very long years to the day when GG walked over my threshold to stay.
And of course he brought along all the guilty daddy baggage to go with it along with a ferocious CPS worker PASinator extraordinaire BM, The "Behemoth" and her entire "clan."
They set out on a mission to brainwash the three children against us from day one.
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Ahhh Ye Olde Double Standard Rears It's Ugly Head
So got the news that my bioson is going into the AF reserves! He had a very hard time getting into the AF b/c of some student loans that he got behind on when he was laid off. He caught up on the loans and tried the reserves.
Of course this is not good enough for GG.
"We've been SCAMMED by Awesomeson!" "He's supposed to enlist in the regular AF for four years!" "He's only doing this to please that snatch (Awesomeson's current GF)"
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Felonious 42 yr old SKID kills Five
This particular article does not mention the fact that he's a skid, but in other local articles, it clearly mentioned that his STEPDAD feels "regret" over what his skid has done.
Now some may say this is sheer speculation on my part and granted, there is speculation here, but this guy has been getting into trouble for a very long time and *someone* keeps bailing him out.
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Small Rant--BM and Sugar Daddy Snuffleupagus
Living HIGH off the hog while GG and I scrape for every dime.
We NEVER eat out b/c it's too expensive. I can, bake, freeze, dry food, have my own large garden.
We can't afford a heating bill so we burn the abundance of wood that we have on the property.
We never go on vacations; always work at home. No 'toys' like motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, etc.
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I Now Pronounce You: Man, Stepmom, BM and Mini-wife
How many SMs of SDs feel this way?
Quite a few I believe. I'll bet we never bargained to have, especially in the case of step DAUGHTERS, FOUR parties in our marriage/relationships!!
And in the case of marriage, I thought the "third" party was SUPPOSED to be GOD?!
Oh wait, BM and mini-wife take that place.
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Census Indicates Single Dad Population BOOMING!!
Which by inference, means there are more guilty daddies with children out there looking for a "good woman" to provide them:
1. childcare
2. maid/laundress service
3. chef services
4. financial support for previously enjoyed family
5. "fringe benefits"
But of course, with ZERO say as to what goes on re: their previously enjoyed family.
Single women. . .RUN!!!!
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Why Am I NOT Surprised??
GG calls me to report that Brainiac (SS stb 15) is hanging out in front of a local bar with the foster kid that the Behemoth is fostering/adopted.
No surprise there! Brainiac is the oldest and all three are failing school (but get miraculously passed up to the next grade somehow, although 4 years behind for their grade academically)
I say miraculously b/c the Behemoth, goes storming in and basically DEMANDS that the school officials (her contemporaries and school buddies) pass the skids up! Even at parent teacher meetings, the Behemoth has made it very clear that she:
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For Anyone Whose Been Following My Eight Year Saga
VD (SD 12 1/2) cancelled yet again the third counseling meeting in a row that she BEGGED GG (biodad) to come to.
The counselor called GG and told him that VD had cancelled because she was distressed over the thought of discussing her terrible grades in 6th grade (mostly Fs and one D)
She will NOT tolerate anyone telling her to "straighten up and fly right" even though it would have been a paper tiger talk on the part of GG. He seldom if ever follows through as he's one of the biggest guilty daddies on the planet.
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This is How Far Child Worship Has Come
in Western culture!!
UN-friggin' REAL!!
So Junior doesn't FEEEEL like walking and CHOOOOOSES not to. . .
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Post Traumatic Pre PAS Skid Syndrome
I was at a chain store that sells farm equipment/tractor stuff etc. when I saw an elderly gent come in to buy a pedal cart for his grandkids.
I had to shudder b/c GG bought Prince Hygiene at the time 6 1/2 (now 8 1/2) one of those. It was in lieu of a motorized vehicle which was a no-no; especially in light of how the three skids treated the ATV that *I* bought them one xmas (and that the Behemoth spoiled as a surprise)
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