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Post Traumatic Pre PAS Skid Syndrome

Auteur's picture

I was at a chain store that sells farm equipment/tractor stuff etc. when I saw an elderly gent come in to buy a pedal cart for his grandkids.

I had to shudder b/c GG bought Prince Hygiene at the time 6 1/2 (now 8 1/2) one of those. It was in lieu of a motorized vehicle which was a no-no; especially in light of how the three skids treated the ATV that *I* bought them one xmas (and that the Behemoth spoiled as a surprise)

Apparently on the day that GG bought PH this pedal cart, PH had a tantrum and demanded a motorized mini ATV as well!!! Had a full blown tantrum at this store (which I didn't see b/c I was out with a friend; a rarity since I usually had stayed around to make sure that GG didn't go gang busters on his guilty spending)

Well it was the same weekend he blew $200 (his entire take home pay after CS) on Prince Hygiene. I remember what disdain PH treated the pedal cart with since it wasn't a motorized vehicle. I think he rode it twice then he PASed out the autumn of '09. I sold it at a yard sale the summer of '10.

The whole thing gave me creeps but at the same time I hoped that these grandchildren who this elderly grandpa was buying the pedal cart for, truly appreciated the gift.