O/T EXCITING!!! New (to me) Episodes of "A Haunting"
Noticed it seemed there were new episodes of "A Haunting" on. . .one of my fav shows. Of course GG calls it "gay" and I can only watch it when he's not around or it will be mocked out louder and louder and LOUDER by GG.
So I was on my eliptical this morning watching one of the new episodes and a SQUIRREL came flying and bounced off my exterior french doors with a loud BANG! (they are quite acrobatic) and it made me JUMP! Friggin' hilarious!!!
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love this show!
love this show!
I realize the story line is
I realize the story line is very similar episode to episode but I'd rather watch that or Celebrity Ghost Story than those ones where the pea brained host narrates the entire thing with truckloads of EVP, camera and you name it electronic equipment.
DH loves this show! Sometimes
DH loves this show! Sometimes I like it but alot of times it takes placein Massachusetts so it freaks me out because thats where we live!! Our old apartment was haunted and we moved and its gone now so I don't want it to come back. I sound crazy I know but its true.
Thats funny about the squirrel because I got an elliptical for Christmas. I put it against the sliding glass doors that open up to the lake area. One day I put out peanuts for the little guys and then went on my elliptical. A pack of squirrels came flying by the door and I got so scared I almost fell off the damn thing!! This is why I do not watch scary shows alone in the house!!
The one I was watching was
The one I was watching was one similar to the "Shining" in where the hubby goes bazongo and starts taking the front door down with an axe (reminds me of GG b/c he LOVES the Shining and often cheers on Jack Nicholson in that movie; i kid you not!)
I LOVE THIS SHOW TOO! Especially since weird stuff tends to happen to me...
Weird stuff doesnt' tend to
Weird stuff doesnt' tend to happen to me but the house I'm in SHOULD qualify!!
1. It was hand built by this guy who died of mouth cancer; he built an aframe next to it to "keep his grown daughter in check"
2. The lady of the house was looney toons; used to wander out in the middle of the night and knock on the aframe's door (by then a young couple had moved in; they're still there)
3. After the father died, the lady of the house was shipped out to a nursing home and her greedy son sold it to me for WAAAAY more than it was worth; not disclosing that they had willed it over to "ducks unlimited" for it to be a wetland.
4. It's in a spooky swamp area; farm land across the other side of the road.
5. The DEC says it's on an "archeologically sensitive site" whatever that means (old indian burial ground?)
Creepy houses scare me! We
Creepy houses scare me! We lived in a brand new apartment but it was built where the woods used to be. A little girls voice used to say goodnight mommy to me all the time. Even if there were no kids in the house. My DH heard it one night and was so freaked out! I never told the kids this and one day my daughter who was about 7 at the time went to DH so scared saying she heard a little girl asking where is mommy... I was at the food store. It was so weird and clear as day. It was a 3 story town house and no other kids nearby. We moved into a house and I have never heard it again.
This particular house is a
This particular house is a one story ranch. WAS A TOTAL MULE BARN AND ABANDONED FOR 2 YEARS when we moved in. 900 sq feet!! (moving from my built in 1978 raised ranch 1800 sq feet!)
SOOOO GG said "the car port is 900 sq feet also so we'll enclose that in and make it an addition. Which it is but I still hate it. I much prefer a two story house. I really won't be sorry to move out of it. But I never had any weird experiences in it (other than GG's rages have increased four fold)
If you watch some of the
If you watch some of the episodes people move into haunted houses and they turn crazy and mean!! You never know!!
Oh geez, I know, my
Oh geez, I know, my grandparents moved in with us and not only did our pets start dying, my grandparents (92 and 89) at the time, started getting aggressive and nuts when they were pretty well before.
Yeah but GG was nasty before
Yeah but GG was nasty before at the old house. And that was when I was definitely playing "doormat SM." When I decided after I had bought this dump that things had gone too far and started standing up for myself, then GG went totally bezerk. So there is a non-paranormal explanation for it.
OK - I just got
OK - I just got chills.......I would NOT be able to sleep there! Have you seen the commercial where the couple gets the "attack panther" for home security and lays there unable to move out of fright? That would be me.
I love that commercial! It
I love that commercial! It just cracks me up every time that panther licks its lips while watching them.
I love that one too!
I love that one too! Especially in that my youngest kitty is a Bombay and LOOKS like a panther!
Oh gosh, this could be a
Oh gosh, this could be a threat all on it's own Auteur!
The house I used to live in with my parents:
1. Was owned by a crazy psychologist before he passed away--he used to do pain testing on people and animals and stuff. The house is about 100 years old, if that doesn't scream CREEPY I don't know what would.
2. Day we moved in, I was take a nap until I got woken up at 10pm (parents were still awake, I can hear them talking downstairs.) Room was still bare with just a shelf Directly across from my bed. Two red eyes floating there, blinking occasionally. I sat there for a while looking at it, thinking one of our siamese cats got into my room. So finally, because I wanted to kick them out before I went back to sleep (so they don't wake me up trying to get out in the middle of the night) I opened the lights. Nothing there.
3. Two weeks later, I had these two toys that would talk and vibrate. Middle of the night, both started going haywire, talking really fast and vibrating a lot. I turned the lights on, looked at their switches, turned them both on and off but to no avail. Finally I gave up and smashed them both trying to silence them. They went quiet, I go to sleep. Next day I got freaked out and stuffed them in the closet.
4. For one week during the summer, every night I would wake up and there would be a boy (caucasion, early 20's probably) in blue jeans and a t-shirt, sitting on my chair watching me sleep. You know what I did? I would think "HOLY CRAP! I DON'T HAVE PANTS ON. MUST PUT ON PANTS." (because I would sleep in just a shirt) I'd get up, watch him watch me grab my clothes, put on some pants, and go back to sleep.
I must have deep rooted issues with not wearing pants to sleep. And why a blonde? I'm asian, shouldn't I see chinese people instead?
5. I would see spiders in the house, EVERYWHERE. They would progressively get more colorful and prettier (blue and purple) and I would see and feel them crawl on me, so I'd freak, they'd get thrown on the floor (I can actually hear the thunk with the particularly "big" ones) and I'd get up to go catch them (I like spiders, I usually do catch and release) but they'd be nowhere. The day I stopped caring was when I was walking in the hallway, a spider comes down on it's string in front of my face, I think, cool, and blow on it--POOF It disappears! From then on I ignored it all.
One day I was on the computer and this HUGE spider (4 inches across) was just sitting on the floor. I thought, well, I must be hallucinating again, and ignored it. My sister comes in the room, screams bloody murder, and I ask her what's wrong and she points to the spider and goes "WTF IS THAT? GET IT OUT!" and I'm like, "Oh... you can see it too?" Lol she thought I was CRAZY.
Anyway, those are just a few of the weird things that have happened. I get stuff outside of the house too but they are too many to name. =/
Buahahaha... my parents don't
Buahahaha... my parents don't let us throw toys away. They think it's a waste when we could give them to little cousins or friends kids. So I was raised not being allowed to throw anything away (unless it's trash) without asking my parents permission first.
I once tried to get rid of this totally creepy little doll that can open and close it's eyes. You know, the ones that when it lays down, the eyelids close, and when it gets up, the eyelids open? Thing was old and dirty. Still felt guilty, so I tried to give it to our dog who carried it outside, mauled it, and buried it.
Weeks later, I find it sitting on my bed when I get home. My parents found it, washed it, and returned it. After that, I stuck all the toys that scared me into the linen closet.
That is hilarious! Me and my
That is hilarious! Me and my sister used to share a room. My dad bought me this creepy talking clown. I was so afraid but didn't want him to know so I stuck it in our bedroom closet. My sister was 16 at the time comes home at night in the dark. I am sleeping, lights off. She opens the closet door and creepy clown falls out of the closet onto her and starts to talk. She screamed so loud, woke up the entire house and the clown ended up in my parents room. No more clowns!!
No more clowns for me either!
No more clowns for me either! If I ever see one, I swear I will punch the living daylights out of it all the while screaming and crying. I hate clowns.
On St. Patrick's day, a few of them were walking across my lawn and I freaked, I told FDH if he doesn't get them off, I'm going to tackle them and beat the tar out of them. Needless to say, he got rid of them quick.
Just throwing them away
Just throwing them away doesn't work. They keep coming back! One day you turn around and they are sitting on your dresser...smiling at you. }:)
Don't you watch horror movies, girl???? There are RULES damn it! Like never saying "I'll be right back" or getting busy while you are at camp, in a tent in the woods or just after your best friend's body has been found dismembered in the fridge.
I know! I was SO mad at my
I know! I was SO mad at my parents for doing that to me. It scared the bejeezus out of me. Lots of things parents think are "cute" really traumatized us kids!
Clown doll, ceramic girl figurines, baby dolls, puppets. Anything human-like, really.
Oh and my sister's freakin' furby. Took the batteries out of it and it would still occasionally mumble. Hated the thing.
OMG do not get me started on
OMG do not get me started on the furby!! My DD had one when she was about 3. Me and her father were on the brink of divorce so I was sleeping in her room. She had a furby that batteries died and this thing was dead for about a year. I stuck it under the bed and one night in the middle of the night it starts to talk. It asks "Do you want to come out and play with me" ahhhh no I don't!!!
We both woke up so freaked out, grabbed it and ran out to the dumpster with it. The next night our neighbors must have been dumpster hunting because their little girl was sitting on the porch with it!!
I would have burned the thing!
The funny thing is someone
The funny thing is someone had given it to me!! They must have known and gave it to us to get rid of!! I was never so scared in my life!! It was like 3am and we must have looked crazy running outside barefoot with a freakin talking furby screaming like crazy people and my daughter was only 3.
SPIDERS??? I'd rather live
SPIDERS??? I'd rather live with GHOSTS!!
Ok that is way more scary
Ok that is way more scary than the little girl talking to me. At my parents house I used to see a man at the top of the stairs looking into my bedroom in the middle of the night. My parents sold the house about 2 years ago and I mentioned the man at the top of the stairs which I had never told anyone about. My sister was like holy crap you used to see him too??? He was scary.
But spiders are more scary!! I would have died!! That sounds like a scary house!!
Gals, really? Spiders worse
Gals, really? Spiders worse than ghosts?!?!?!
I'd take spiders over ghosts any day!
Holy smokes. The little girl talking to you isn't scary enough? I feel like we all need some exorcisms.
Spiders are way more scary
Spiders are way more scary than ghosts. We moved into this house and its in the woods and we have the absolute biggest, scariest, spiders I have ever seen. They are freaking huge and DH is even afraid of them. He usually makes fun of me but not in this house!! We all fight over who is gonna kill it!
I would rather have the talking little girl back anyday!!
I was taught to believe that
I was taught to believe that ghosta are actually demons, too. I don't know what I believe anymore to be honest with you. But I do know that spiders are scary to me. Something about multiple eyes, legs, hairyness and creeping.
Living in the swamp we have mosquitos the size of hummingbirds and moths the size of small leer jets. Also large and colourful spiders. In particular the CORN spider which gets into my vegetable garden and raspberry bushes.
Well I used to answer the
Well I used to answer the little girl and say goodnight back and DH freaked on me saying its a demon disguised as a little girl. Do not talk to her!! He was convinced I opened up a demon hole in the house and thats why we are so broke now!! Everything went to shit!! Damn that little girl!!
You'd be surprised, lots of
You'd be surprised, lots of asians consider the whole feng shui thing to have something to do with opening holes and stuff. I honestly don't know what to believe. I usually hope that if I ignore them they'll go away.
I had some pet tarantulas which unfortunately died. I actually liked the little critters. Costa Rica, now THERE are some big'uns.
My mom once went into the kitchen on the farm in the middle of the night, GIANT spider, big as a dinner plate just minding it's own business scuttling across the living room floor. My mom freaks, gets a bottle of bug spray, starts spraying it, it turns and walks towards her and it wouldn't die. My mom is hysterical and crying as she keeps backing up and spraying it until it finally slowed down and stopped moving. My dad gets rid of it the next day.
She still has nightmares about that one.
OMG!! That is a nightmare!! I
OMG!! That is a nightmare!! I didn't know they can get that big!! I usually use hair spray to kill them in my house or whatever is closest to me.
My sister has spider crickets in her house. When they jump they think they are jumping away from you but they actually jump on you. My sister beats them with the broomstick!! Its so funny but I won't go there because I am afraid of taking one home with me!! I am pretty sure they have taken over her basement. The exterminator cant even get rid of them.
Yup! I even caught one in the
Yup! I even caught one in the house (of course, this is south america). Huge! It was so scared though and curled into a ball so I let it go. What I want to know is how they get IN. It's not like we have a dog door.
I have had to say "oh - you
I have had to say "oh - you can see that too?" but it was the 80's and, well - 'nuff said....
I walked through the pocket
I walked through the pocket doors that separated our living room from the master bedroom and had a VERY painful moment on my arm. I felt all over the door (just in case there was a big splinter or something) but nothing to feel and nothing to see (the doors are painted).
Not too long after, I had huge welts and black & blue mark on my arm where it looked like someone had pinched me HARD. You could see each distinct finger-mark.
That's the only thing that I have dealt with that I had no explanation for and scared the bejeezus out of me.
Thats weird! In our old
Thats weird! In our old apartment with the scary girl, DH said he saw something and yelled at it. A minute later all the blood vessels in his left eye were popped!! So gross!!
Ever since I met my DH and
Ever since I met my DH and his family, strange things with no explanation happen a LOT. My DH thinks he has some kind of a spirit following him around. I would agree but it is his WHOLE FAMILY.
His aunt accidentally butt-dialed her mom (his gma) a couple of months ago and got her answering machine.
His gma has been dead for over 2 YEARS. Nobody even KNOWS where her answering machine is and it is certainly NOT hooked up to any electricity or phone outlet! There is someone else living where she lived and has been there for over a year!
I just said that his aunt should have left a message. Betcha gma would get it!
The night my grandma passed
The night my grandma passed away, my grandfather's picture (he had been deceased for over 3 years, and we have a portrait in the living room) kept falling off the hook with no explanation. My sister and I kept putting it back up but it kept falling down. WEIRD!
Finally, we just put it to the side because we didn't want it to break.
Oh gosh, that is so strange!
Oh gosh, that is so strange! I never had stuff like THAT happen. We call people who do seem to attract the paranormal, people who were born closer to yin than yang.
The weirdest thing that ever
The weirdest thing that ever happened to me (and my sister) was that we were in Montreal Quebec back in 1975. As usual my parents were attending a religious conference and we were visiting relatives at the same time (two-fer). Well we stayed at this ancient downtown hotel. As usual we were relegated to self entertainment which usually included exploring the elevators. We'd walk up and down the aisles of each floor. So we both got in the rusty old, yet very ornate elevator and pushed the button to go to our floor. The elevator went PAST our floor (even though the floor was lit up) and went straight to the attic ball room, opened the door and there was an ancient dusty ball room with sheets covering all the furniture. Lights totally off; very dark and looked as though no one was up there. Then we heard a loud BANG! so we started banging on the elevator buttons to close the door and go back down. Which it didn't do for seemingly an eternity. Finally the doors closed, the elevator shuddered and went back down to our floor.
We looked at each other, said we would not speak of this to our parents and went back to our room.
Oh criminey. I'm glad you
Oh criminey. I'm glad you didn't go in there!
I can just imagine, what would have happened if you got trapped in there and became apparitions yourself because something wanted to lure you in?
Well I"m still here LOL so I
Well I"m still here LOL so I guess I passed THAT test!!
Fun thread! I'm not psychic,
Fun thread! I'm not psychic, I'm what they call an "Intuative", (I think I developed this gift growing up in an alcoholic home lol), anyway I've seen lots of ghosts! IMHO they're not demons but lost souls.
My Dh is an empath. Is that
My Dh is an empath. Is that similar?
I have a friend who said she had an appointment to see an Intuitive this weekend.
But Aut, I DO think GG is a
But Aut, I DO think GG is a demon! }:)
you just may be right on that
you just may be right on that one!!
Pretty much the same thing
Pretty much the same thing Sky. I pretty much keep it to myself (other than helping family and friends) because it seems like there's more non believers than believers. I'm also Catholic and it's frowned upon in the church. Also, I'm in a pretty conservative field, the CEO of my place would look at me TOTALLY differently if she knew, for sure!
That is so cool! What is it
That is so cool! What is it exactly that you can see/hear? Just curious...
My DH does not "see" things
My DH does not "see" things but he does have some dreams that have freaked me out. He is also able to tell strong emotion immediately upon entering the room. And every single pet we have been around flock to him (kind of makes me jealous since I love animals and used to be a Vet Tech)
Thats really interesting. My
Thats really interesting. My dreams tend to come true but sometimes its months away. I kept dreaming that things were getting stolen-my car, a mattress, jewelry and then this guy that worked for DH was the one doing it. I was going crazy hiding my jewelry, making sure everything was locked. One night DH forgot to lock my car and it got broken into. Then a year later the guy that worked for DH we found out was stealing lots of money from our company. So I think my dream was obviously telling me what was going to happen. Now I pay close attention to my dreams.
I love this show b/c people
I love this show b/c people that it happens too tell the story. My house is not haunted but I did live in one when I was kid. But what I do know if it hadn't been for the 'ghost' we had I'd be dead.
I was not sick when I went to bed at least I didn't feel sick I was only 10. The only thing I remember is waking up in mom and dads bed and wondering how the heck i got there. Mom said 2 days for that that she woke up in the middle of the night to a blood curdling scream. So she went to check on all us kids and I was at the other end of my bed so she went top move me and I was burning up and couldn't get me to wake up. So she took me to the er and I had a bad inner ear infection that the doc said he didn't know how I was still hanging on. I have bad trouble with my ears always have. I was in the hospital for almost 2 days. I never knew, but what mom was sure of was that I was so out of it that there was NO way I screamed like she heard and was so thankful that 'something' got her attention. Talk about putting goose bumps on you.
I MUST start watching this
I MUST start watching this show!!! Between this and the Walking Dead I am going to be one freaked out chick...
I haven't had too many weird
I haven't had too many weird things happen. I think I am one of those people who is not particularly sensitive to ghosts or spiritual phenomenon. But one day we were renovating a bedroom for baby BD's nursery. Had pulled down paneling and pulled up carpet. I was in there working and our cat came to the door, looked past me into a particular corner and just freaked out. Her back hair was standing up and she was making this weird noise and she wouldn't come into the room. I walked over the pick her up and bring her in and as soon as she figured that out she freaked out and ran away. Me being me, I walked over and stood in that corner but I didn't feel anything.
I think I have watched all of
I think I have watched all of those epsidoes...LOVE THEM!! If you like that show, you will like the TV show "The Haunted". It use to come on Animal Planet (I don't think they have had new episodes in a while) and it is the home owners telling the story...they also tell how their animals are effected by it. The music for the intro is creepy too. I wish some new episodes would come on bc I've seen all of those too!
Must admit I love The
Must admit I love The Haunting episodes too
Some of the other shows can be fun, but I dislike how some story tellers seems to more often then not presume that there is NO logical answer to incidents, such as reflections with cameras and do not get me started on the theories regarding orbs. I have only ever seen a handful of pictures which I have thought there is no apparent logical reason for the anomalie.
OMG those stories with spiders as big as dinner plates make me shiver! I am in the UK and we do not have poisonouse archnids here, thankfully, as if I saw one scuttling towards me I probably would freak out!
I have had various paranormal stuff happen to me and have been told by two psychics that I am psychic too. Not sure if that is quite the case, although weird things tend to happen around me. My mother insists something follows me
Recent stuff includes sensing something was in my SIL's new home, and as most people laugh in your face if you tell them you have a feeling or know something is going to happen, I warned my DH. Told him something was in my niece's new bedroom. Turns out my SIL had to get a vicar in (pastor) to bless the house and specifically nieces bedroom because she could hear a man crooning a lullaby to the baby in the middle of the night, who would scream her head off and was usually a really good sleeper. Last week I had a dream come true and also heard a man talk directly in my ear while I was in bed (wide awake), he was so close I felt warm breath on my cheek and ear although couldnt distinguish was he was telling me!
I think there are such things as ghosts, I also think some demons pretend to be ghosts in order to cause havoc and trick people. The difficulty is distinguishing intent and who is who. I believe ouiji boards are extremely dangerous and is a method of inviting something in to mess with you. Again, how can you sort who is being truthful and who is not especially when we dont understand the paranormal? I think many things can logically be explained away, but not all the time, and I also believe that it would be arrogent to assume we can fully explain everything, including with the usage of science. After all, initially scientists thought the world was flat, that there was no such thing as gravity (seeing as we cant actually *see* gravity, except the outcome e.g. falling!
Hopefully they will show this series in the UK sooner rather than later!
Yeah a lot of banging noises
Yeah a lot of banging noises can be totally attributed to heating systems, namely boilers and steamers. If not taken care of properly they will start to bang!!! And usually steamers are in OLD houses!!
I'm Just the Maid, I have
I'm Just the Maid, I have several weird abilities.1. I can look at a person an tell them what they need to work on in their lives. The last person i "diagnosed" had low self esteem, I told her to work on that and only that for a while and she would be happier.2.I have occasionally seen/sensed ghosts, spririts, and demons. One demon scared me so bad I wasn't myself for days.3. I can smell cancer on people, before or after they've been diagnosed. I have had psychic flashes, but they're so few and far between that I can't really call myself one. I would love to develop that ability!
Snakes don't bother me,
Snakes don't bother me, conceptually ghosts don't bother me ... Spiders on the other hand can be a bit freaky. This comes from an incident I had with a Black Widow when I was ~12yo.
I will say that the whole demon thing generally is not a problem for me either if you do not consider one extremely scary midnight walk home from sneaking in the local drive in to watch The Exorcist when I was also ~12yo. That was one scary walk home let me tell ya.
Wow. I must be the only one
Wow. I must be the only one here who would take spiders over ghosts. More things that were weird.
Did you know, if you travel in Asia and you see a single red rose in a vase in a hotel room, it means someone died there and you can request a different room? Especially for those who seem particularly sensitive to the paranormal.
I know that in Asia white is
I know that in Asia white is the colour for funerals as opposed to black in the western world. Very interesting!