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Ahhh Ye Olde Double Standard Rears It's Ugly Head

Auteur's picture

So got the news that my bioson is going into the AF reserves! He had a very hard time getting into the AF b/c of some student loans that he got behind on when he was laid off. He caught up on the loans and tried the reserves.

Of course this is not good enough for GG.

"We've been SCAMMED by Awesomeson!" "He's supposed to enlist in the regular AF for four years!" "He's only doing this to please that snatch (Awesomeson's current GF)"

Meanwhile GG's own bios have totally rejected him, didn't acknowledge his b-day or father's day; listen to the PASinator Behemoth unquestioningly. THe oldest is on a course for sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. VD the only girl is on a collision course with teen pregnancy and welfare/felonious activity.

God only KNOWS what the emotionally and socially stunted Prince Hygiene will turn out to be like; I don't want to know!


starfish's picture

aut, you should know by now that gg will never ever in a kabillion years acknowledge any of awesome son's accomplishments.

how's the plan coming, when are you getting the hell away from that parasite douche bag? no offense.

Auteur's picture

None taken. Going to get a loan next month to do the siding, then refi then bang away till house is in showroom condition.

GG makes me want to PUKE!