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Auteur's Blog

The Case for NOT Living Together (and yes these means married couples too)

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Excellent article here:

No need to witness first hand the nightmare of your significant other kiss his children's fannies!!! Separate abodes all the way!!!!


GG Managed Not To Say Anything Rude or Offensive

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this Thanksgiving and actually was quite a well behaved host!!!

He thanked everyone for coming, wished them a Happy Thanksgiving and even Awesomeson's GF gave GG a hug!!!

My oldest daughter "Peg" showed up with her husband and everything went smoothly!!

I was preoccupied mostly with shopping (early Wednesday) for the finishing touches, and then cooking the rest of Wednesday and all day Thursday.

Here was the menu:

Roasted Pear Salad with Gorgonzola, dried Cranberries and Pecans

Squash Soup

Beet cold plate

Oyster Dressing

VD Sure Is Using her FB Account

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Although it's under lock down to all the outside world other than the Behemoth's clan, she's sent no less than SEVEN "answered secret questions" about her stepdad, the Snuffleupagus.

This from a kid (SD 13) who is absolutely failing school, a good 15 points below the failing mark in all core subjects.

Nice to see she is spending all her time on FB and not studying or doing classwork/homework that simply doesn't get done or handed in.

O/T Thanksgiving Day Preparations

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I will start out by saying that I ALWAYS cook since I've been celebrating Thanksgiving (the last 9 years or so)

I found out that not only will Awesomeson and his GF be at my house, that my married biodaughter "Peg" and her hubby will be there too.

Hopefully GG can keep his big trap shut and not get into ranting and raving on his personal believes but I digress.

I've been using up most of the leftovers (vacuum sealed)these past few days to clear out the french door frig's freezer and my very large deep freezer before the big day.

When Is My Child Emancipated?

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Scroll down on this link, read and weep (if you're an NCP biodad)

These cases are almost ALWAYS found in favour of the CP BM so that daddykins can keep paying support. So if these are truly "children" we're talking about, how come they get to VOTE in elections?

Oh and be glad you don't live in NYS!!

Brooding NCP Biodads and PASed out Skids

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So even MORE info came in about VD's grades and the usual meeting with the Special Ed folks to determine VD's educational "needs."

The last time GG went to one of these meetings, he was flat out told that his opinion DOESN'T COUNT since he's the NCP.

Now stay with me here b/c every time things aren't going so well between me and GG, GG sulks like a 2 yr old and starts to yearn to "reconnect" with his three "angels" who essentially have told him to suck on a rock. They have been beer bonging the PAS koolaid for over eight years now and are fully indoctrinated.

Seriously, GG???!!!

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GG's reaction to VD's HORRENDOUS grades. . .


He was more upset that he was sent a "flashy" brochure about some acronymed group that espouses parental support for students.

Not one word over the horrific comments made that clearly shows VD is pure and simple LAZY and that her mother couldn't care less about academics.

Yep, both GG and the Behemoth should be STERILIZED!!! HOW the Behemoth is allowed to foster two more is beyond my comprehension!! :jawdrop:

Welcome Back Pluto DVD

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Has anyone used this or seen it work miracles? I like the idea of a dvd re: PAS but I"m still not sure about the "rejected parent" having to put up with all sorts of disrespect as is recommended. Not to say that the rejected parent blows up at a child for being disrespectful, but firmly warns the child that this is not acceptable rather than just sitting there and being an emotional punching bag. . .which happens with or without the DVD.
