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so much DRAMA!!!!

angel27229's picture

I am very new to blogging and this blog is great.
My personal story is just too long to post here, as i am sure it is with most of you too!! i will just go on with what is happening now. I am with a man for over 4 years now and he has 4 children. i have one of my own, but i don't have to deal with my son T13 having a step mom. His father passed away (in a car accident) 2 years ago. anyway, 3 of the 4 stepkids talk with their father usually. (hahaha) The oldest A21, has just reconnected with her father after a fight over money, which the ex lied and manipulated the situation. A21 and I were on speaking terms until this past fight. I was over looking on facebook about how she was going out and partying with friends (going to MLB games, stuff like that), but not talking to her father because she didn't have any money to buy a new car. she is having a very hard time with her father moving on, and has her issues with me because of my relationship with her father. She doesn't feel like she is apart of our blended family, but that was her choice. she is really hurt that her parents are not together anymore. in all honesty, they have been seperated and almost divorced more than 7 times before i met him. i do not come from a divorced family so i have no idea what it feels like, but my half sister did and i talk to her about it all the time. i just think if her father is happy, she should be happy for him. but like i said, i have no idea what it feels like.
I have 2 of his children living with us now, J10 and R19. R19 was thrown out of the house in the beginning of this year, (i can not see how a parent could do that for the type of stuff she was doing) She is a good kid, but now i am starting to see the manipulating. she was going through some mental stuff, low self esteem, a situation that she did not feel comfortable talking about with the ex, stuff like that. and i guess the ex couldn't deal with the fact that she had a life. so recently, the ex and r19 have been talking alot!!! every day, 3 or 4 times a day, she even slept over there last night. i don't get it, she needs a relationship with the ex, but not on this level. it is a poisonous relationship for r19.
j10 came to live with us a few months ago, the ex just handed him over, because she has a new bf. I would say good for her on the new bf part (he is a big time loser, drugs, theft), but just handing your kid over like that?!?! SERIOUSLY!!!also A21 is not living with the ex anymore b/c of the new BF. the ex moved in him after dating him for 2 months.
So in 4 years there has been numerous fights, breakups, and wanting to run away.
as for the 4th child, there is absolutely no communcation with my BF and her. She is really really angry, and just get more and more angry everyday. he is upset about it but does not admit to it. that makes holidays a little interesting with the inlaws.
but it is another day in paradise, and off to a surprise party for my son t13. (his birthday is tomorrow).
