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we do not live @ Breathe drama!

angel27229's picture

everyday is more and more annoying with all of the drama. do BM know how to keep the childs best interest in mind. I feel that BM is not concerned with her children at all, only her bank account. SS10 went to mediation for custody and told them he want to stay with dad. BM is still pushing for 50/50 custody, b/c she won't have to pay much child support. it is a complete joke. SS10 does not want to be there, he has told her, me, DH, and everyone else that. but still she pushes and pushes and pushes. i feel so bad for him.
that is only the tip of the iceberg. more drama with the oldest, who while is now an adult, is less then 2 months away from graduating college, and she cancelled the car insurance and phone all of which SD has been paying out of her own pocket.
what is wrong with her? is it too much just to get a bill? talk about selfish.


angel27229's picture

sorry i guess i should have explained more.
BM carries the policy which SD was paying 100 a month (BM said she was paying half), until about 6 months ago, when SD and BM had a fight. BM told SD that her car insurance was 200 bucks a month, and SD began paying the 200 every month. SD was wondering what her premium was monthly. the agent gave her a hard time about telling her the monthly amount but slipped up and told her it was way under 200 bucks.
SD flipped telling her she was only paying the amount the agent told her.
it was just a mess, but she got her own policy so things worked out.