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angel27229's Blog

help, should we change lawyers in the middle of a custody battle?

angel27229's picture

our lawyer is very very very nice, but he is not doing what is being asked. while my husband is asking for crazy demands (only b/c he is very angry) the lawyer keeps telling us that we will be okay and there is no way a judge is going to give the mother 50/50 custody. i am really nervous about it, and i feel that the lawyer is not being aggressive enough. everything we have asked for we have had to compromise. I am all about compromise if it is going to benefit the child, but SS10 being with his mother 50/50 will not benefit him, only harm him.

we do not live @ Breathe drama!

angel27229's picture

everyday is more and more annoying with all of the drama. do BM know how to keep the childs best interest in mind. I feel that BM is not concerned with her children at all, only her bank account. SS10 went to mediation for custody and told them he want to stay with dad. BM is still pushing for 50/50 custody, b/c she won't have to pay much child support. it is a complete joke. SS10 does not want to be there, he has told her, me, DH, and everyone else that. but still she pushes and pushes and pushes. i feel so bad for him.

I NEED HELP!!!! i don't understand the next court date.

angel27229's picture

the lawyer is costing a fortune, and i don't understand why this has to be sooo complicated b/w my fiance and his ex.
anyway my question is, what is a short list proceeding? the bottom of the notification says exceptions in support filed by defendant (she is the defendant).
Does this mean that she does not agree with the child support order that was completed by the mediator person? I was not there and i haven't spoken to the lawyer in a while b/c our bill is just sooooo high.

mediation didn't help over custody battle.

angel27229's picture

Mediation was a mess. SS10 has been with us since the beginning of Oct. and BM just handed him over like it was nothing. no agreement, nothing, just on the word that she would see him every other sat and sun. it went fine til my fiance went for child support. then she wants him 50/50. in my personal opinion is it so she does not have to pay child support (or at least the full amount).

SD20 moved out

angel27229's picture

SD 20 moved out yesterday and back in with BM. The my son BS13 and me are the only ones upset about it. she had some serious issues, (trying to commit suicide, and disappearing for days) when she lived with BM before. this is why she came to live with us. More stable environment. Well long story short, BM's new BF (only had been dating 2 months, and he moved in) got arrested. (BIG WINNER) and BM is saying she can't live without him, and she can't be alone, blah blah blah. so SD20 moved back. SS10 thinks she (SD20)is an idiot, and i am quoting him.


angel27229's picture

so BM is trying to buy the love of 2 of her kids. CRAZY and they are buying into it. SO much drama, and it is xmas. by the way, my bf and i got engaged. am i ready to deal with this???? i am over all of it and getting really angry. BM does not deserve any of her kids. is it wrong to feel that way???

son's birthday party

angel27229's picture

Well my son t13 had a surprise party today. he was so excited. it was a good day in that respect. BF would not attend because he felt a little weird about going to my ex's MIL house. my son's father is deceased, and i do understand my bf's issues with being there. but this was not about my ex, it was about my son. I have spoken with him on several occasions about excluding my son, who is going to be his SS. I have in the past done alot for his children, especially the youngest who now lives with us.