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angel27229's picture

so BM is trying to buy the love of 2 of her kids. CRAZY and they are buying into it. SO much drama, and it is xmas. by the way, my bf and i got engaged. am i ready to deal with this???? i am over all of it and getting really angry. BM does not deserve any of her kids. is it wrong to feel that way???


christsluv2u's picture

What is BM doing, exactly? What makes her undeserving of her kids? That is a really strong statement. If she isn't abusing them, I would say that is a bit harsh...but I don't know the situation.

LOTS of parents buy their kids extravagant gifts at Christmas and throughout the year. Definitely wasn't that way in my household when I was a kid, but it isn't uncommon now for parents to spend hundreds of dollars on each kid. I know fiance does it. I disagree with that...but they are his kids and if he budgets it, that is his business.

angel27229's picture

it is a strong statement, but i really feel that way. she is an awful parent and uses her kids anyway she can. she doesn't physically abuse them but there is definately mental abuse. it is out of control. she choices men over her children all the time. she has stolen money from their father and even them. she plays her 3 girls against each other so they will side with her. and the 3 girls are really a mental mess. they have no self esteem what so ever, and not only that, but as a parent of a girl there are certain things that should be talked about.

also do not get involved with the financal aspect of what my fiance does financial with his children. that is on him.