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AJanie's Blog


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Any others grocery shop at ALDI? I must say, it is the best thing since sliced bread.

I went yesterday and did a full week shopping for about $60.

The skids are constantly snacking. I feel like I understand my mom's old saying "these kids eat me out of house and home." So, now they get Aldi brand snacks -- which is truly funny... the confusion on their faces when something isn't "brand name" (since mommy bankrupts herself chasing labels). All of the Aldi brands are pretty tasty and I can't tell the difference, so they will have to deal.

4 days by myself with skids starts now

AJanie's picture

DH is basically working around the clock for the next week and I am mentally preparing myself for 4 skid days. I had a talk with him about how this is a favor and not to be expected of me in the future... we need the money and he fought too hard to get this time during the summer with the skids so he wasn't about to give it up. So, in steps saint stepmom, forever unappreciated.

BM is such a lunatic

AJanie's picture

I couldn't wait to share this story with people who may get a laugh and understand just how ridiculous BM is.

Yesterday we took the skids to an island off of our state's coast. They had never been to the island - so DH was really looking forward to this "first" although it was just a small first - BM already got disney world with her last boyfriend.

Mother's Day Blues Anyone?

AJanie's picture

Wondering if anyone else feels this way.

The last couple of years I notice myself feeling down on mother's day. My mom is alive and well and I do visit with her and give her a card, but I am not particularly close to her. Maybe if I was closer to her the day would feel more meaningful, I don't know.

A Tolerable Skid Weekend!

AJanie's picture

I am back to the office after a weekend that was somewhat refreshing. DH finally is asserting himself and making it clear that our freeloader house guests need to be on their merry way by May 7th. We had the skids all weekend and I (stupidly) took SD with me to the mall Saturday. There was a sale at one of her favorite little kid stores, buy 3 get 3 free, well let me tell you, that was a fucking nightmare. She wanted to buy her mother gifts. I said she could pick one thing for her but she wanted all 6 to be for her. We finally settled on 2 items for mom.
