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My husband told me he chooses me

4ever's picture

My hsuband and i had a heart to heart over the weekend. Apparently his ex called him again to tell him that there daughter wants to live with her full time which they tried last spring and after a week she texted her dad and said "mom is driving me crazy this isn't working for me!!!!' So my husband has already decided that she needs to stick with her schedule (50/50) and he'll talk with her when she gets here today for her week here.

The problem is that I'm pretty sure that her mom is poisoning her against us. I mentioned this to my husband, its been an issue for years but its getting worse as she gets older. He agreed and said that he'll have her talk to her counselor more often but that if his ex brings up the fact that we need to move again to be closer to her to make it easier for her to pop in whenever she wants to see her daughter he's going to shut it down. His ex doesn't want her daughter more, she's told him that but she keeps encouraging her daughter to make the change just to punish my husband. Then she calls ans says 'I can't keep her more but she wants to be with her MOMMA!!!" and that makes her daughter miserable when she's here, she talks to her mom all the time and cries. My husband said that obviously we're not moving we're very happy where we are. He told me something that he's never said before. He said 'I choose you. I choose our life together, its a good life for us and for my daughter and I'm not going to mess it up because of anything they say or do.' What a relief!