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Who's skid is riding my DH's bus?

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Yesterday, a BM marched into DH's school in true form. Her son had started a fight and been suspended from riding the bus for 5 days. She marched into the office demanding to speak to the principal THIS INSTANT. The principal came out and asked what the problem was. DH was standing in the staff lounge and could hear every word going on in the office
The BM: "Your racist Iranian (She actually said Iranian instead of Aryan...) bus driver. He won't let my baby get on his bus because he's black."
Principal: "Mhm... and your son's name?" BM gives the name. Principal flips through her bus suspensions. "It says here, on the copy of the form sent home with your son, that he was suspended from riding the bus for 5 days due to fighting."
The BM: "He didn't get in no fights. That white man just don't like him."
Principal: *Sigh* "Could you come back to my office?" *Pulls up tape of DH's bus* "If you see here, that is your son *points* and that is first grader he has pinned against a window and is punching in the head. And here is the bus driver, pulling your son off the other boy and putting him in an assigned seat."
The BM: "WELL! I'll deal with that when I get home but I want you to know he had better be allowed on that bus tomorrow because I don't have any way to get him to school."
Principal: "I'm sorry ma'am, but we can't do that."
The BM: "I'm a single mom and child support ain't enough to pay my rent AND buy a car so I can't bring him to school. You all had better let my baby ride that bus, it's his right as a student."
Principal: "If you remember correctly, you signed a form at the beginning of the year stating that it is a privilege to ride the bus that can be removed if a student can not follow the driver's instructions."

The principal shut the door after that and a few minutes later the woman walked out in a huff saying the "entire damn school is racist" and she had half a mind to call the police about it. THAT I would love to see.


PeanutandSons's picture

So she can manage to get to and from the school to yell at the principal.....but can't get her kid to and from school for five days?

3LittleDragonflies's picture

SH! You're not supposed to notice her fake talons, pound of make up, and cheap knock off ghetto clothes either!

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

I think I would've had a hard time not telling her to get off her lazy a$$ and get a job when the CS statement was made. Sometimes my brain to mouth filter doesn't work. This probably would've been one of those times. Blum 3

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I don't think "mortified" would be the word I'd use... I'd put it more as dying with having to hold in his laughter (this is the 5th parent to accuse him of being racist. I blame it on him being paler than a piece of paper, platinum blonde, and bright blue eyes. He's about as white as you get without albinism. He writes up just as many white kids as he does minority kids. His rules are simple: Sit down, keep the volume at a reasonable level, keep the aisle clear, don't eat or drink anything except water on the bus, keep your hands to yourself, and don't call names. I mean, seriously, he's not asking a lot.)

TickedOff's picture

I can't stop laughing. The nerve of some people lol. I could not have been your DH or that principal I would have had a hard time staying calm.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

DH wrote 30 suspensions in as many days. That's how he deals with it. "You don't want to behave? GTFO my bus. Your parents can either parent you or waste their gas driving you back and forth to school."

Jmom's picture

OH LAWD YES THEY DO! I was a true single mom(no child support)for 10/11 years before marrying DH. BM in my case never missed a child support payment . ..DH had SD (same age as my son) every single weekend and all major holidays (including mother's day) and she had SD private christian school convinced that he was a deadbeat! She still does it . . .DH told her from the get go that he wasn't paying for private schools (the schools in our area a wonderful-SD just doesn't get along well with others) she po mouthed herself into a scholarship (SD had the grades). We offered to buy uniforms, she asked for the money. When DH said no he'd take SD shopping she said don't bother and she took her to the campus thrift shop.

Until I came along and printed off a darn school calendar for him he didn't even know about any school functions. When he started just showing up the teachers and administrators were like WOW you SKID'S DAD!!! They had no clue he existed. According to a source at the school BM told everyone that DH had abandoned her and SD years earlier.

I have no clue why he even speaks to that woman.

skifamily25's picture

My SIL was a true single mom before she married my brother, too. No emotional or financial support from her exH. My skids BM has a friend who is a young widow (she was 38 at the time her DH died). She proceeded to tell my skids that her friend was "lucky" because now she will get SSI and doesn't have to "deal" with DH getting in the way (they were in the process of divorcing when he died). So, this woman's little girl (who was 7 at the time) has a deceased father, but BM thinks she is "lucky." Piece of work...

DaizyDuke's picture

I love it when I get the "I have no transporation" excuse....But the woman had transportation to go chew out the principal and demand the suspension be revoked. And I bet she has transportation to the salon and the mall and I bet she has transportation to the grocery store to spend up her food stamps and welfare check and I bet she has transportation to the cell phone store to upgrade her phone when a newer model comes out.... GAG ME these people make me sick with their stupid entitlement and excuses

skifamily25's picture

Or the " I don't have $20 to pay for the coach's gift and trophy" for her son's end of year football party (even though she hasn't paid a cent toward any of it) yet has money for a new outfit, highlights in her hair, and a spray tan.