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SS14 received an out of school suspension today...

hismineandours's picture

Saw it on the school website.

For giving the bus driver the bird. And because he's already had 3 in school supsensions with the last just being last week. All for things like talking back, defiance, disrespect.

I hope my mil enjoyed picking him up at school this morning after they suspended him }:)


DaizyDuke's picture

just another day in paradise!

I caught wind that SS13 got suspended for 3 days last month for being involved in some drug passing nonsense at school. Of course I DIDN'T hear this from DH so he either does not know, or was keeping it from me, as he knows I already think SS is a little miscreant. I also found out that SS was apparently bragging on FB about how he was looking forward to his 3 day "vacation" . I can't wait til that turns into a 3 year "sentence" because I would bet every last penny that it WILL eventually with this kid. Same with yours!

hismineandours's picture

I didnt even mention it to dh and have no plans to do so. I am sure he does not know.

And, yes, the writing has been on teh wall for a long time with ss. He seem hell bent and determined to go down this path. Perhaps he's just one of those kids that needs to hit rock bottom before he can realize what he needs to do with his life.

Anon2009's picture

Well, it is good that at least the school is trying to help him out be setting him straight. It's just sad that he lives in an environment that is filled with potheads and crappy people.

You may have told me this before so I apologize in advance but what exactly has DH done to parent him in his 14 years? I know he lived with you for awhile, and with BM too, but you said things went south in that house years ago, and it doesn't sound like BM was a great parent.

Your kids are good kids because you have parented them properly right from the get go. It doesn't sound like SS has been given consistent, good parenting right from the start.

I think this kid has some good reasons to be angry. I know this sounds mean but I hope and pray he gets arrested and spends time in jail and/or juvie because it may be what he needs to get his act together.

hismineandours's picture

I also think detention would be great for him-and that's not me being mean spirited but rather me actually caring.

SS lived with dh and I from ages 1-9. So he really had almost the same consistent upbringing as my own kids. I was not disengaged with ss back then, I was his soccer mom, his room mom, helped him with his homework, potty trained him-my dh worked out of town during the week so he mostly was with me. Dh has had two deployments resulting in 2 years of being gone during ss's childhood (but also my kiddo's childhoods as well). On his last deployment, he was injured and spent an additional 2 years living about 2 hours from home while in a medical unit. SS lived with bm during these 3 years (the last deployement and medical hold).

At times Ive felt sorry for him as I know dh's coming and going was not ideal (although my kids survived it fine). His bm is not stellar. She has had substance abuse issues adn her parenting was always dependent on whether she was sober or using. Howver my dh tried so hard to "make up" to ss the time he was gone-he moved in iwth us earlier this year. But truthfully ss just doesnt want to be part of our family. He resents me and my kids something horrible for whatever reason. Dh's "absences" in his life were work and military related-not because he was a drug user or lazy or didnt feel like parenting.

SS was given all the same opportunities as my kiddos were he just rejects our lifestyle. He does not place value on grades, education, being respectful to others in general, Church, or God. He acts like we are all stupid because we think these things are important. He's been angry since he was very young. I truly dont know what the root of his anger is-I asked him once and he said his parents divorce befoer he was 1.

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh WONDERFUL (said with sarcasm of course). Lovely. Sounds like he needs a wake up call eh?

StickAFork's picture

Why do you check his info on the school website?

He's no part of your home... it baffles me.

hismineandours's picture

His account is linked to my children's from when he lived here.

Sorry to say its not really all that baffling at all.