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Purple hope's Blog

SS via moms crap is gonna pull Xmas BS...I used to like Christmas

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SS got in trouble awhile ago and once again decided that it's all because dh left BM. I am calling bullshit. It's been 7 years...just cause your psycho mom plays the victim card constantly, doesn't mean you have to join in. Ungrateful child has decided (suddenly, only after getting in trouble) that he doesn't really want to come here anymore. Of course, he has said that he might come from xmas day for a few hours but not sure how long.

Definition of "family".

Purple hope's picture

Another poster (engaged but not married) future stepmom asked for input involving the word "family". While reading responses and surfing around, I noticed that many of us have ENTIRELY differing opinions on what constitutes "family". I have lived with my bf and his kids (here 50% of the time) for several years. We are not married because we wanted the kids to be more comfortable with the idea before such change (that can possibly be hard for them) to happen....and to be honest, even wanted it to be a as much of a non-issue as possible when it does occur.

Grand theft auto for 12 yr old...great job mom...ugh

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My bf son showed up this weekend asking to move gaming system to his room to play his new game his mom bought him...grand theft auto V. I asked bf what he was doing, explained the explicit issues with the game and fb let him know it was inappropriate and to take it to moms and not bring it back.

I am disgusted and irritated that any mother would allow, much less purchase this game. Once again she proves that her parenting choices are NOT in the best interest of the children...just ugh...

How do you not let BM comments get to you?

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Ok fellow steppers.... My blog this morning was a long letter to BM of stuff I wish I could say to her, etc. I am realizing after the venting type letter, that I am super hurt and hanging on to the things she keeps saying to FDH about me in text/email, etc.

She always claims I'm trying to "be the kids mom" I'm not, but I am the female head of household here....don't know about where that line blurs.

Mother's Day (no bio-kids) Pity Party and Thanks to ALL women who mother anyone...ever

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I love thanking mom and hanging out with my family for Mother's Day....BUT... This year is the first year I have ever had to experience the day away from my family, away from my classroom (used to get a ton of Mother's Day stuff from my students when I taught) and living here, with my boyfriend, and HIS kids. I spent the entire week last week down and a bit irritable, and honestly DREADING the day. I know this is a crappy day for many who have lost their moms, who are living with skids, who have icky bio-kids who don't appreciate them like they should, or such things.

New-ish ...Just saying "Hello" and a bit of my story.

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I met my FDH while at a conference in another state. We struck up a conversation, and began to email each other a bit and quickly became long distance best friends. A few months later, he visited me, and then I visited him....yada, yada, yada...we started dating. After a few years dating long distance, seeing each other twice a month, hours of scrabble, and skype and meeting his kids a few times, I came down last summer to spend day to day time with him and his kids.
