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SS via moms crap is gonna pull Xmas BS...I used to like Christmas

Purple hope's picture

SS got in trouble awhile ago and once again decided that it's all because dh left BM. I am calling bullshit. It's been 7 years...just cause your psycho mom plays the victim card constantly, doesn't mean you have to join in. Ungrateful child has decided (suddenly, only after getting in trouble) that he doesn't really want to come here anymore. Of course, he has said that he might come from xmas day for a few hours but not sure how long. In my book, this means that he just wants to come get his gifts and then go cheese up to mom about how the divorce has made both their lives so very hard. I am so sick of him playing this game. Well, let him pull this...and I am DONE. No more support, no more anything from me, and I'll do anything in my power to get dh to cut his spoiled butt off also. If he chooses not to be a part of this family, then I'll cut him out like a tumor, I'm not going to allow my dh to be treated like a doormat by kids, just like their mom did....and I've got pull, too.

Sorry, just needed to rant...advise always welcome, you people rock! Merry Christmas to all of you that do so much for someone else's kid.



WTF...REALLY's picture

Just let him live with BM. Man, I wish my SD could live with her BM. She lost custody and we are stuck with her. Bleh

Mercury's picture

POOR WITTLE BABY SS. Damn, being a COD is apparently the worst possible thing that could ever happen to a kid. Or so one would think from listening to their entitled moms make excuses for them. DH and I deal with that too. At least my DH is learning not to feel guilty anymore. He used to. It's really bad if both their parents do that to the kids.

SMto3's picture

If he doesn't want to go over there any more, there shouldn't be any Christmas gifts waiting at your home for him. When is he going to think about you guys? Ugh, COD are such victims.