How do you not let BM comments get to you?
Ok fellow steppers.... My blog this morning was a long letter to BM of stuff I wish I could say to her, etc. I am realizing after the venting type letter, that I am super hurt and hanging on to the things she keeps saying to FDH about me in text/email, etc.
She always claims I'm trying to "be the kids mom" I'm not, but I am the female head of household here....don't know about where that line blurs.
She makes little snide remarks about me "working so hard" to get into this family....such bullshit...was friends with FDH for almost a year...trying hard not to fall in love and such, feeling as much as I did for him, because I didn't want to take on the whole moving out of state / living with man w kids / living w man w psycho kids thing.
She says things like "pretend to be the little housewife" etc.... I live here for *ucks sakes, I only work part time...what the hell am I supposed to do.
and on....and on...and on...too many to mention
ANYWAY... How do you do it? How do you folks find ways to not let this stupid stuff get into your head and your heart? I know it's stupid and I should just blow it off, but it's not working recently.
Any good ideas are very, very, thankfully welcome.
- Purple hope's blog
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We wouldn't be human if
We wouldn't be human if horrible stuff people said about us hurt us not at all. With BMs, however, you have to remember that they have a very specific agenda - you "stole" their former DH/BF and they are NOT happy about that - even if they previously chucked him out.
I realised very quickly, when NPD BM started saying vile stuff about me BEFORE she'd even met me - that it was not personal - she didn't know me - had no idea what I was like - and that has helped me not to take it so hard - she would say this stuff about ANY woman who was with DH.
Basically - she is nothing to me, and I don't give her too much head room - it gets easier over the years - I don't know how long you have been with your FDH but it does get less painful as you realise she is just a sad, psycho cow with a personality disorder.
^This Tell DH that you don't
Tell DH that you don't want to hear it. He shouldn't want to hear it, either, and put her in her place each and every time she pulls that crap.
She's a jealous bitch. Hold your head high and ignore her sophomoric behavior. Whatever you do, don't feed it by responding.
One word she's jealous. She
One word she's jealous. She will do anything and everything to get under your skin if you allow her to. You will find if you ignore her it is way more rewarding.
This. She is trying to make
This. She is trying to make herself feel better. You have everything she wants - she is threatened by you - you have her position in the family and this is her way of trying to get to you.
BMs want control.
BMs want drama which in turn gives them control.
BM has no control over her own life - so she is trying to gain some through you.
I found a lot of my hatred of BM went away (not all) when I realized that she was miserable and unhappy and I almost felt a little sorry for her.
DH is a great husband. What does BM have? Nothing. She is miserable, she doesn't seem to really like her own kids much, she gets no CS or Alimony which she was counting on, she is (sorry but its true) unattractive and insecure. She threw DH away and now regrets that very very much. She treated DH like a dog, thought she could send him away and he would always return begging to get a pat on the head at her feet, no matter how badly she treated him. She screwed up and nobody cares.
BM is a nobody and that is hard for her. She is mom to her kids I guess, but I am step mom now - they have 2 families and can live without her if they had to. She has no partner and is so miserable she likely never will at this point. Even most of her friends have given up on her - she was so bitter she turned them all against her.
How do you not let BM get to you??? Look at her for who she is, raise your head and live the life you have.
I agree, I look at our BM as
I agree, I look at our BM as an ill, miserable and selfish person. Who spends her life not contributing to society and chasing the next buck she can get from any guy she has a child with.
She really is something very sad to look at
I need to steal this and etch
I need to steal this and etch it in my head! Well-said!
There are 2 ways I deal with
There are 2 ways I deal with this.
1. It bothers her MORE when her remarks DON'T GET TO ME. If I let her get to me, she wins. If it rolls off my back and I take the "you silly girl" approach, it drives her NUTS.
2. DH likes to call her out on that crap. BM used to pull the "you guys are just playing HOUSE with my SON" line. DH would say "ummm, this is how grown ups live, it's not playing house, it's life, you should try it". Or when she would say something about being a "MY LAST NAME", DH says "you got that name on a techincality, you never earned it, BS has spent the last 8 years LIVING UP TO MY NAME, SHE earned it!". They were only married for 6 months. She hates it when he says that. lol I love my man.
Yeah, me too. My favorite
Yeah, me too.
My favorite will always be when DH and I first started dating, BM was yeling at him about something and she said "I am glad you left, now I can actually HAVE SEX". DH never wanted to have sex with her after SS was born. He replied "Ew, you FOUND someone that will touch your nasty ass? Poor guy!".
It was over the phone, but I
It was over the phone, but I would have paid money to be a fly on that wall.
He has no problem putting BM in her place. I love it.
Can your DH come teach mine a
Can your DH come teach mine a thing or two?
BM is angry because DH has
BM is angry because DH has moved on with you and his children. She is looking from the outside in and see's a family she no longer has with DH. She is jealous of you and what you have. BM's self esteem is low and when people don't have a high self esteem they degrade someone else to make themselves feel better, and you are her target.
Focus on yourself, your marriage, family and home. The very things that piss her off. The best thing is that if you focus on those things, your relationship with DH and family will become stronger. Don't change who you are because that is what DH fell in love with and it's apparently something BM isn't.
Vent on STalk, journal, exercise to get out your frustration...but take care of yourself, you are what is most important!
Hang in there!
time to play my game.... SD:
time to play my game....
SD: "mommy didnt make us eat this"
Ommy's mind: "that is why mommy is 300lbs"
SD: "mommy loves sponge bob"
Ommy's mind: "that is because mommy has the iq of a 4 year old"
BM: "Well they dont have problems paying attention with me"
Ommy's mind: "that is because you have to pay attention to them to notice"
BM: "I miss your dad so much how is he? remember when we all ___"
Ommy's mind: "oh FDH's dad is great just the other night we were laughing together because he said you had the biggest muffin top he has ever seen"
Ommy's mind is a dark and extremely sarcastic mean place in regards to BM...sometimes I let out a few laughs because it amuses me, then I look like a crazy person laughing to myself...oh well it is fun.
I love this Ommy!! My
I love this Ommy!! My internal dialogue is similar...and I really thought the laughing to myself was just me....Yayyyyy for craziness.
I fucking LOVE this comment
I fucking LOVE this comment helpmeeeee. You are SO right.
HelpMeeeee... great comment.
HelpMeeeee... great comment. The real moms don't need to say they are the real moms. I hear that out of BM's mouth ALL THE TIME. I AM HIS MOTHER! Really? Because your actions indicate otherwise.
HA, I just said that last
HA, I just said that last night about BM "actions speak louder than words".
It's easy for me...I normally
It's easy for me...I normally don't put any weight on what high school dropouts, that were and are known as the town hooker could say about me...
Hey, BM is the town hooker
Hey, BM is the town hooker here too (and always has been)... gosh these BM's have a lot in common don't they?!
First off I'd have no contact
First off I'd have no contact with this woman. I stopped having any sort of contact with bm about 5 or 6 years ago. Had dh tell her that in no way was she to contact my cell phone, leave messages for me on our home answering machine, in fact wasnt to call the home phone-but to call his cell phone first. It was funny, because she tried to completely ignore it at first. I think she tried to call me the very next visiation time. She left messages on the machine, one after another, about some sort of ignorant stuff. I ignored and deleted every one of them.
Dh and bm ended up going to court not long after-to establish child support (from her to dh) and to firm up visitation. I just went with him to go-didnt go in the courtroom or anything, but did wait with him out in the hallway until his case was called. She approached me and started "quoting" or state guidelines and then basically paraphrased them and said that she is to be able to contact ME anytime she likes and I HAVE to answer the phone. You silly bitch. No I dont have to talk you ever. I chose when I answer my phone, not you, and not this judge who has no jurisdiction over me. I told her the only thing the guidelines stated is that the child was to be available for phone contact at reasonable times. I told her I had never denied her phone contact with her child-she just never wanted it-she only wanted to speak to me!!
She tried a few more times to cross boundaries and I just never budged. Started making dh do all the transportation. if she did approach me somewhere in public at one of ss's events-I'd just say, "You'll have to talk to dh about that" and walk away.
This was a huge weight off my shoulders. I am sure she has said stuff about me over the years, but I never hear. My dh would never listen to her say stuff about me-he rarely talks to her himself. And if she says stuff to ss-for once in his life the kid is smart enough not to repeat it (although I am sure it is to "protect" her)
I hear you loud and clear. I
I hear you loud and clear. I too struggle with the awful things BM says about me to DH. She refers to me as a "3rd party" who should have NO SAY in financial decisions regarding HER kids. Never mind that my DH pays this POS almost 10k a year in CS and she STILL manages to NEVER have a penny to spend on her daughter. I think what is MOST hurtful to me is that my in laws feel the exact same way she does. They feel I am no one and that my DH has somehow wronged BM by marrying me, buying a house with me and actually having the NERVE of BEING HAPPY with me. It is way easier said than done to not care. I do feel hurt that they feel that way about me especially because I am a really good person, good wife, great stepmom to my skids. However, I will have to learn to get them out of my head, because it is way too time consuming and they don't deserve a second thought.
"It is way easier said than
"It is way easier said than done to not care"
I don't think anyone disagrees with this .. the trick is to ignore it and to not allow these people to make you feel that way. If that means disengaging from them, or ceasing all communication with them, then that's what you need to do.
They don't have the right to make you feel like crap, and DH shouldn't allow it either. As long as they insist on talking to/about you that way, DH can deal with them exclusively.
I feel like all the BMs are
I feel like all the BMs are some how from the same planet, or they all took a class on how to be this way, or maybe they all talk to eachother on how to ramp up the torture. It is so true that BMs fill the SKs heads (and everyone else within hearing range) with lies, cruelty and horrible things about us (steps)to make themselves feel better, but, a lie told often enough becomes the truth. I do believe in defending myself and DH against obvious false accusations. But I do remain quiet and allow her to crazymake. My M-I-L loves drama and loves the BM because she gossips and has never ending issues...she is so much more interesting than I, a stable cynic. I have gone to the ends of the earth to help my M-I-L but in return I get "Gee, look what BM gave me, or BM and I had such a great visit". It sucks and it is VERY VERY hard to get their voices out of our head. But see them for what they are, and it helps...a pathetic old lady, an insecure, irrelevent BM and possibly conflicted SKs(mine is). Sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening.
How do you not let BM
How do you not let BM comments get to you?
I laugh at her with dh.
Now you try.
Don't talk to her. Tell DH
Don't talk to her. Tell DH that unless their conversation impacts you (scheduling, etc) that you don't want to hear about it. Make sure it's clear to him that he is NOT to provide any information about you or your relationship to her.
Cut her out. Ignore her. Let him deal with her.
I agree with SMof2. But the
I agree with SMof2. But the problem with our BM is that is exactly what she wants. She wants to pretend I don't exist. I suppose I am as lowly as she is for wanting to be in her sight occaisionaly, to remind her that DH is not HER DH anymore...BUT SMof2 is right, and it will help your stress...
hehe...thanks ladies for all
hehe...thanks ladies for all the advice, support, experiences even a giggle or two.
FDH almost NEVER speaks to her on the phone. He even asked last night if he should "hide" comments about me from me, so I don't even know about them. Truth is, I was checking his email for him, while he was driving...saw email return from email (about dates...nothing else) and was going to tell him what she said. It still amazes me that a simple text or email about a time or date can become filled with these digs at me and my FDH...UGH!! I hate the word "Hide", but we discussed that I don't necessarily need to know every time she badmouths me...and that I should just let him generalize stuff that comes in to him.
I avoid her like the plague...and am only speak in front of the kids, and only in a simple polite manner, so they are more comfortable. He has already said that she CANNOT have my number, etc. I think just avoiding reading emails or text will help.
It is amazing how much just venting to you guys and hearing about all of your situations and experiences helps. That "I'm not alone" thing is worth a million.
Thanks very much...without you peeps, I don't know where I would turn.