Disney dads who cater/follow their children around
Out of curiosity, how many of us deal with a disney dad who makes it all about the skids when they come for visits? I feel like they are guests to be entertained.
I'm getting better at just letting go. Sometimes I go along and enjoy the time, sometimes I want quiet and do my own thing.
When the skids come:
Friday: We get home and SO stays up and chats or plays video games with them in their rooms.
Saturday: Go to movies (early movie, its cheaper) try to do an activity outside, go shopping, go out to eat, stay up late with skids watching a movie.
Sunday: depending on what was done saturday, either a repeat of saturday or do the things they didn't do saturday.
Life for skids at dad's is eating out, movies, staying up late, going shopping, going outside. You never know when or what is going to happen more than an hour before it is going to happen.
I stopped cooking because 1) I disengaged and since re-engaging some I haven't taken that back up again 2) SO is just "on a whim" all the time with skids so you can't plan ahead when they are here.
I personally think that SO and skids should have more independent time while here. Some weekends I can't keep up, some I don't want to because its the same non-intellectually stimulating crap the whole time. Not to mention that conversations with skids end up on the topic of "why BM is bad. She's mean to us. She and SDad did xyz to us and we didn't like it" I don't care. BM isn't neglectful or abusive. Neither is Sdad.
I have lately started getting the feeling that SO is actually offended when I don't want to go along and make my own plans. At first, I thought he just didn't care because I felt excluded most of the time. Even though he was bad about excluding he has gotten way better at asking me what I want to do as well and if I want to join. However, he seems to be put off a bit when I choose to stay home.
I DON'T go to the mall anymore with skids. Its ridiculous. Even back to school shopping, I said no. I think this bothered SO.
When they aren't here, I also keep in mind that I should do my own thing too sometimes. He doesn't get me full time then drop me when they show.
- alwaysanxious's blog
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Exactly the same every word
Exactly the same every word you have said! I love the term Disney dad too! I'm soooo glad I've found this site!
GG was a HuGe Disneydad!! For
GG was a HuGe Disneydad!!
For the two oldest, he was able to maintain that pace for about four years. He kept it up another almost two years after that with the youngest, Prince Hygiene, who PASed out at the age of almost 7.
Out of curiosity, how many of
Out of curiosity, how many of us deal with a disney dad who makes it all about the skids when they come for visits? I feel like they are guests to be entertained.
OMG, skids were at our place last night after an almost 2 week hyaitus and it was sickening to watch DH coddle his wittle 12 and 13 year old. The whole reason we had them was because DH wanted to take them to show them the house that we are in the process of buying. They of course told him that they want the two largest bedrooms and lord knows what else, then we got home and DH promptly cooked dinner and served them of course, (RARELY does this if skids are not there, usually we just fend for ourselves)then DH got the 4-wheeler out for them so they could go for a 3 minute ride, then DH took them fishing, then DH cooked them a SECOND "dinner" at like 9:30 pm and served them in OUR bed upstairs where they were watching TV, then tells me at 11PM that he is running to the store to get eggs so skids can have eggs for breakfast in the morning.
I just hang with BS1 and try to keep him from getting upset when the "Three Muskateers" are constantly running off and not including him and me. I seriously was on the verge of vomiting last night it was soooooo ridiculous.
Yeah, skids come over I have
Yeah, skids come over I have an issue with him treating 12yrSD/10yrSS like they are babies.....actually has to carry them to BM car everytime she comes to pick them up - REALLY???? I tell DH -"you know they aren't babies anymore and haven't been in quite some time" He has be with them rubbing their back to put them to sleep every night too!
This drives me up the wall!
This drives me up the wall! SD9 and SD11 are always asking for piggy back rides and such. Now these children are big for their ages (at least 100lbs each) and they are wanting piggy back rides up the stairs?? They are even in constant competition with each other. IF SD4 falls asleep on the couch and DH carries her to bed, SD9 wants to be carried like a baby also. So weird. Not to mention the constant "Daddy, I want to go to Fogo D'Chao for dinner." This is a Brazilian steakhouse that literally costs at least $60/person. I don't think so! No wonder he never saved any money before we were married!
I'm glad I'm not the only one
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way!!!! Thank GOd! The my SD weighs 102 and SS 98, come on this is Ridiculous!!!!!
Fogo D'Chao in downtown
Fogo D'Chao in downtown Philadelphia? Great place but definitely NOT a place to take the kids on a regular basis!
Just out of curiosity, how close to Phila are you? I am in Harrisburg. I wonder how many PA steptalk members there are.....
Sorry my friend! I am
Sorry my friend! I am actually in TX. But I am so glad you know the place I am talking about and recognize that this is NOT an everyday kids place. Can you imagine a 10 y/o saying its their favorite restaurant? Ridiculous.
Bummer - I was going to
Bummer - I was going to suggest a "meet up" for Central PA area step-talk people and that would be a great place to do it. Cholesterol and Caprihanas for everyone!
Definitely can't imagine taking a 10 year-old there for anything other than a VERY special treat!
I used to call it "returning
I used to call it "returning royalty" or "royal visits" or "entitlement training sessions"
I was merely an "entitlement session faciliator" as GG would spend every last dime what was left over from massive CS on guilty disney daddy spending. Then he's be flat busted by Monday and he would invariably ask me to "just transfer $50 over into his account"
How about the "calling
How about the "calling shotgun" to ride up front with daddykins when going anywhere; full knowing that SM and possibly BD/BS would be going along to??!!
THIS is one thing I work on.
THIS is one thing I work on. I have this "weird" way of seeing the world through behavior and social status. Even animals do this. EVERY TIME a skid challenged me sitting in the front with dad, it was quashed BY ME. SS used to go to the front door and look at me like I'm gonna sit here, I'd look at him and walk right up to the door and say "awe, thank you for getting the door for me" I make sure that through little things the skids see me as an adult and I have seniority.
I also stopped walking behind anyone. Its all a status thing. I have also been MAKING SURE SO asks me my opinion about where we eat and such. At least my opinion can count even if he is coddling and entertaining.
I don't see this view of
I don't see this view of "status" as weird at all. There is a clear ranking of status and using the animal kingdom is an excellent illustration. We are animals ourselves after all!
My teen skids have tried the "shotgun" move as well. Nice try, kid. If we have parents/grandparents, persons who are elderly, infirm, handicapped or others for whom it is appropriate for me, a 45 year old woman to defer to, driving with us, then I INSIST that they take the front passenger seat. It is simple courtesy.
However, the skids sit in the back. Period!
I used to have a Disney Dad
I used to have a Disney Dad on my hands. It took all the kids living with us FULL TIME to break that mentality. After that he pretty much realized how he had been manipulated over the years. I've also called him out on doing things out of guilt. He doesn't seem to like that too much.
When SD lived with us, he did
When SD lived with us, he did not act like this as much. I imagine it tired him out.
Now please don’t throw arrows
Now please don’t throw arrows or darts my way. But I see nothing wrong..(IF THE CNP ONLY GETS EVERY OTHER WEEKEND!) to have those 4 days be fun filled and on the go.
If I only saw my kids 4 days a month, you can bet your sweet bippy, that we would have a ball those 4 days. I am not talking about breaking the bank on the kids or letting them be little turds, but just having FUN.
DH used to do this, and it did annoy me. But only because he was doing things he could not afford.
Ive had this convo with FDH
Ive had this convo with FDH as well. I always began my rant with "I understand SD is rarely here" BUT that is no reason to completely ignore me and BS, and let me go to bed alone (which we never do!).
I think stability and structure is so important for skids to see when they see the other parent EOW. I also want her to understand we still have rules/responsibilities, if she were ever choose to want to live with us, it SURELY wont be a 24/7 fun/mad house, and a lot of skids think thats how it would be if they lived with the ncp. I think NOT!
OMG As much as BM does annoy
OMG As much as BM does annoy me and she is an idiot sometimes, but I've always empathized with her on this.
Can you imagine living modestly in a rural area (she works, she is not lazy when it comes to supporting herself) with her husband and two step children. YOUR two children come home with brand new jordan tennis shoes (SS has 9 pairs just this summer) and a coach purse (SD has one coach purse and 3 doony and burkes in the last 3 years). Meanwhile you are struggling with your new husband to provide for 4 children. I know not my SO's problem, but seriously???? I've come to find that its SO who has this need to shop, the skids just take advantage.
Not to mention no bed times at our house, just fun fun fun, so you have to be the bad guy to get your kids back on a routine. Then they complain cause they have to to chores at mom's house. YEAH! That's called real life kiddos. I made SO start giving them things to do at our house. AND everytime SO starts to clean SD's room I give him shit. That's for her to do.
I feel for you iwlass. These skids get such a skewed view with disney dads and mom looks like a slacker, when in reality she is living in the real world.
@Willow We are talking
We are talking BALANCE here. There's nothing wrong with an occasional outing and such
HOWEVER we are talking about fathers who discard REAL LIFE and give the children the impression that they are ENTITLED to 24/7 three ringed circus whenever daddykins is GRACED with their presence.
Constantly providing fun, FUN FUN will:
1. leave the children dissastisfied and asking for more, MORE, MORE
2. leave daddykins EXHAUSTED; real life is put on hold, projects get postponed, further adding to the pressure; EVERYONE ends up miserable
The most unhappy people are SPOILED people be it children or adults.
Disneyland dad is a very bad idea and bad precedent.
The 3 ring circus Disney Dad
The 3 ring circus Disney Dad behavior by my DH is exactly what I think was a big part of Sk's seeing their dad as a wallet only.
AA - as you know because we
AA - as you know because we have had this conversation, I have the same problem. From your description of your schedule on SKIDS w/ends, your Disney Dad is even more extreme than mine. I think I have three main objections to the Disney Dad programme:
1. It is not like real life. He is creating a fantasy fun world and treating them like you would visitors who come to your house occasionally. For instance, my adult BDs come to see us every few months or so, and we do lay on some minor entertainment for them, but it is minor - going for a walk, having a meal out, watching a movie (normally at home). The SDs have come for EOW for the last 9 years, and I do think that a non stop round of pleasure seeking is all a bit contrived and unnatural. Should they not mostly be doing things with their peer group at this age? As pointed out by Crazymom - you can bet that if they were with us full time this DDad behaviour would last about 10 minutes, and they would be going to the shops on the bus like their friends. I think it was Auteur who gave a lovely quote to one of my posts about not providing the DDad service - "if you are doing yard work, they should be doing yard work" - that really made me smile.
2. It is giving them an incorrect view of the world in that their needs and wishes are paramount, and the rest of the family can go hang. Whatever the SDs want on a SKIDS w/end, they tend to get. What sort of message is their father giving them about relationships with men in general - you can get anything you want out of a man as long as you are prepared to throw a hissy fit if he does not come up with the goods. You do not ever have to be unselfish, and say "lets compromise for once." I have seen one of my SDs become really selfish and greedy, and I believe it is in large part down to this kind of appeasing and spoiling by her bio parents.
3. I get ignored practically the whole w/end. Its good I don't mind my own company, but that is not the point.
One last thing - he works a 12 hour commuting day - goes to bed exhausted at 9pm/9.30 after getting in at 7.30pm and up at 5.30am - so he would not see the SDs much more even if they lived with us, as presumably they would be at BMs EOW.
When SS was just with him for
When SS was just with him for 4 days a month, DH always told him that if he ever wanted to live with DH, the "fun all the time" would stop. After SS moved in with us, DH really was not to bad with the disney stuff.
I agree that would make a
I agree that would make a huge difference... If skids lived us full time, I PROMISE DH would not wait on them hand and foot and would expect that they provide their own entertainment.
My DH is actually glad to send skids home after they have been there for an unusually extended period of time (like if they are with us for 3 or 4 days.. when it is normally just 1 or 2) and I think it is because he exhausts himself trying to be Super Duper Dad and by day 3 he has tired himself out from his own game. And with our BS1 who is obviously with us all the time, it's different, because I obviously am so much more involved. But with skids.. it's ALL on him. I disengaged a long time ago, so DH is responsible for their total care (and entertainment)and I guarantee if they lived with us full time, the coddling, doting, entertaining etc. would come to a screeching halt.
Mine won't admit it, EVER but
Mine won't admit it, EVER but I think he is relieved when they choose not to come a weekend or when they go home. He is so tired and frustrated by Saturday afternoon. He takes no time to just have "down" moments and rest while they are here. Except... when they finally go to their rooms to do their own thing at midnight, he spent 2 hours in the bathroom. Friday and saturday this past weekend he did not come to bed until 2am. He was in the bathroom the whole time.
I think he has made that his only escape. Its like he doesn't feel like he can just go to our bedroom and rest at the end of the day.
YOu know, from bf's end, he
YOu know, from bf's end, he really isn't too bad. We live pretty normally when she's over. YES he's somewhat less attentive to me -to be expected I guess. BUT-we still eat most dinners at home together, maybe watch a movie, the kids play outside w/neighbor kids. It's rare we go on an outing or out to eat actually. We DO have down time. Sometimes we'll be outside just us-we have even gone to my room and locked the door to get some solo time while they play
Sometimes they can go skating, or we go to his brothers pool in summer...but it's very low key-no spending, shopping, going going, etc.
Shotgun??? Auteur-please tell my your DH didn't allow them to remove you from front seat when visiting?? HELL to the no-my kids love calling shotgun when it's just us 3. They KNOW if bf's in the car w/me, my mom, ANY adult they go in the back-end of story. Even my crazy SD doesn't try this!!! GOSH I'd be so angry for you if they actually got away with this!!!
That is actually really nice
That is actually really nice that things are pretty much the same for you. I would love this. SS makes friends in our neighborhood and easily finds stuff to do. SD, no. She has to be entertained. Dad is going to be the one to do it too.
Ahh yes, the inability or
Ahh yes, the inability or actually REFUSAL to self-entertain.
ALL THREE of GG's kids had this!!!!!
This is SO annoying. I asked
This is SO annoying. I asked SD's before when they wouldn't let DH take a nap on his birthday "Does your mom and grandma entertain you when you are at their home?" and they replied "No, we just usually watch tv or play outside." So I said "Why can't you play with each other when you're here then?" They actually said "Because Daddy's supposed to be the fun parent." GAG! Keep in mind we have them 50/50 over the summer. No wonder Daddy needed a nap.
"FUN" Parent. There should BE
"FUN" Parent.
There should BE no such animal!
This is a result of the "CP BM/ NCP Biodad who feels the need to overcompensate for the CP BM's PAS" model
My thoughts exactly. Just
My thoughts exactly. Just because mommy refuses to even take them out for a movie and makes them sit in their rooms all day doesn't mean he should have to overcompensate for HER shortcomings. And then he wonders they talk back and act disrespectful to him. Barf.
"I could not even have 5 minute conversation with DH without SDs running across the room "what did daddy say?" "stepdown what did you ask daddy?" nonstop."
SD15 does this now. If I murmur something random to SO, she immediately says "What did AA say?" I'm like NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU!!!
If I do that, OMG, SO replies to me "I was talking to SD"
One day I was saying something to SO's mother. SS said "what did you say?" I replied nothing I was talking to your grandmother. Well, grandma repeated and then SS11 says, Why couldn't you tell me that. I said because I wasn't talking to you.
YIKES! Giving me
YIKES! Giving me DEJAVU!!!
Same thing went on with GG's brat pack.
Butting into every conversation and of course GG would automatically give them the floor! :sick:
Trying to hear everything we were saying so they could report back to the "BioMother Ship" (TM)
Biomothership, I love
Biomothership, I love it!
SS11 runs his mouth to anyone. No matter which house, he doesn't know how to not tell stuff.
SD15 on the other hand, knows how to be secretive. She has her father fooled, but not me. She is always playing the "I don't tell mom anything. I don't talk about what goes on here at mom's house" innocent game.
SO believes her. Why not, she sounds so convincing. She even asked him once "Does AA think I run back and tell mom what goes on here?" I don't know SO's response and don't care. If she wants to ask me I'd flat out say yes. If you talk about your mother and what goes on in her home while you are with us, then why wouldn't I think the opposite happens? She tells him frequently, "I don't do that". HA!
Sorry I'm not stupid.
Ha ha! I remember when VD
Ha ha! I remember when VD would reveal some "secret" and Brainiac would "scold" her right in front of us.
"You weren't supposed to SAY that over HERE!!!"
My dh is actually NOT a
My dh is actually NOT a Disney dad in the sense of finacially spoiling ss or wanting to take him great places all the time-rather he just feels he shouldnt be disciplined at all as he wants ss to enjoy his time here and not spend a minute being punished. it's not that I dont understand where my dh is coming from-but my ss is 13. I've told him if he spends his w/e in his room due to misbehavior then that is really HIS (ss's) choice and he needs to accept responsibility for that.
As far as the spending and such that others deal with-I think this is crazy. I like to have fun as much as the next guy, BUT this is not family life people. If your child visits only every other weekend wouldnt you want to take that precious time to impart family values and morals on your kids? Teach them all you can about life in the limited amount of time you have them? Dont these disney dad's think that is important? I am constantly talking to my kids about "how to do the right thing", taking them to Church, trying to expose them to things that not only are fun, but also that will teach them something about how to conduct yourselves in life.
How about the
How about the ubiquitous:
"Where's my dad?" when daddykins moves what would be considered a a micromillimetre away from one of my retinal floaters??
I love your play on words.
I love your play on words.
Yes, I hear "where's dad" all the time.
In my head I respond "Not up your ass"
When my SDs ask where he is,
When my SDs ask where he is, they always say "Where is MY dad?" Subtext: He's nothing to do with you even though he married you.