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Dad's week and request to use my car cause the other one is broke...

Yesterdays's picture

Just as the title says... So kids are driving and my ex made it clear that since I didn't contribute toward his buying a car that he will buy "his own"  beater car for the kids but it will be for use at HIS HOUSE only. Telling me if I had contributed we could have had a car for the kids to use back and forth..

So it's been made very clear. He doesn't allow the girls to use his car to come over here on transition days or on my week whatsoever 

SS10 tried running away today

greyskies's picture

My partner went to go pick up SS10 at school this afternoon, and after about an hour of her being gone, I texted her to see what was up and if everything was alright.  School is only half a mile from home.  She told me that the staff was looking around for SS and couldn't find him.  I texted back if I could do anything to help and did not hear back.  She pulled into the driveway about 5 minutes later with him and SD13. 

OT - How would you handle this?

Lillywy00's picture

So I decided to sell some of the kids uniforms in this parent group (admin makes it for the school parents only).  

Supposedly mostly all of these parents at this school are upper/high class. 

However today I question this. 

The lady who purchased my uniforms offered to digital payment me the money for it. I typically don't do digital payment unless I know the people but since she was in the parent group, said she was a teacher at the school, etc I trusted her a bit more than the typical buyers. 

Long post about heartbreaking situation

Kathey609's picture

Honestly I love my stepdaughter(12F) alot and im not sure calling her stepdaughter is the appriopriate title. But titles can be weird and limiting. Her situation is uncommon but not abnormal. Her father got a woman pregnant from a one night stand way before he met me. The thought of that bothers me, but it happens. The woman already had multiple kids from multiple people *not to be hateful but that already shows her character, birth control isnt that hard* and she didnt know she was pregnant untill 4-5 months in.


SS going to college

TrueNorth77's picture

SS17 will be going to college in fall. Woohoo! I literally cannot wait. However, he chose an out-of-state college that is on the high end of cost, but his career path is specialized so out of state is almost necessary- DH and I are pro out-of-state also, but at a reasonable cost. Almost every single person I know gets stuck in our state and wishes they had moved but never did.

OT Sociopathic Employers….

Lillywy00's picture

It's taking everything I have not to ditch these corporate sl@vedrivers today and beyond.....

I really want/need some time off but the thing that irks tf out of me is how the average employees are looked down upon for taking time off. Like who tf wants to be working all the mf ing time?!? If these sociopathic employers hired properly and made work environments more tolerable then they wouldn't have to stress people out about their absences causing "short staffing". 

OT Amateur Trading Specialist

Lillywy00's picture

Today I decided to paper trade $TSLA

and boy do I wish I'd taken the play in real life. 

I jumped in kind of late (thanks to the ball n chain employer) but managed to get up to 66% or $385 return. 

Im still being modest and paper trading how I would in real life. 

Chomping at the bits here to test some of these plays with real money but I'm going to get a bit more practice down.  

Disengagement: A fluid place

MorningMia's picture

The first five years of our marriage involved such horrible attacks and turmoil that it almost did us in--multiple times. When we shut out BM from our lives by the end of Year Two, one of her last desperate calls was, *"We all need to get along [really?!? that's what this is called?] for future weddings, holidays, and grandchildren." By the end of Year Five, skid behavior was so god-awful, I shut the door on them. DH and I decided he would see his kids in some place other than our home unless they apologized and changed their behavior. SS apologized. SD cried and screamed.  


3 months later

la_dulce_vida's picture

There is something magical about the 3 month mark after a breakup. The worst of the grieving is over and the mind starts to settle into acceptance.

I'm starting to be less frenetic with the need for constact activity. I'm enjoying peace and sitting still in my HOME. The garden is taking shape and I've started some seeds for the veggie garden. I hope to harvest some peas and beans this year. I could never get them going at the X's house because of the hungry wildlife getting into everything.
