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he still dont damn get it

frustrated 1's picture

So today this evening dh and I are watching a movie and he asks why the dvd player can't be in the bedroom again like it use to be I said no I have my reasons. He was genuinely confused oe presented himself that way
But what I really wanted to say was why would I want to see you and her wrestling and rolling around in the bed together that is suppose to make me feel good? Are you sick ad well as a dumbass. But what good would it do. I'm starting to have small anxiety attacks now hadn't had them in awhile it is unpleasant.


Crazymommaof4's picture

I agree with you! Our bedroom is off limits to the kids. Before we met his daughter would be allowed in and they'd watch tv and whatever but when I entered the pic he strictly forbid which I'm greatfull for. I don't allow my boys on the bed either or hanging out it my room. We have a DVD player in the LR and the bedroom as well as in their bedrooms problem solved... You can find them this time of year for like $15

Jsmom's picture

We have them in every room now, and never use them. Netflix on the Roku solved that. You can have it there, just tell him that she can not be in your bedroom. Our kids do not watch tv in there....There are plenty of rooms in the house to watch TV. That is nasty and gross.

Tell him the truth that you can not have sex in that room, when he has had his daughter in there fooling around. Incestuous much?

frustrated 1's picture

I tried talking to dh today without meantioning her which I haven't done and he broke down crying before the tears he was asking if I took my medication. I said medication don't have nothing to do with how I feel. He was crying and said everything was his fault keeping in mind that he can't name one fault or bad thing he has done always back to me my attitude. This disengaging is either working to slow not effectively or it is me. I wish I could come up with the right way to make this man know that he should be making her more independent instead of just laying in the bad with her or taking her wherever she want to go.someone tell me how to make him dh see the light so I can get my bestfriend back.....sigh

RedWingsFan's picture

NO kids are allowed in our bedroom, period. No reason for them to be in there at all.

frustrated 1's picture

Ya know he won't get out the bed in the mornings so wgen she wake up to our bedroom her she come at least she knock now. I swear on everthing if I can get her out and save our relationship never never never will anyone live with us again and she cannot walk past him without touching him almost every time.

Jsmom's picture

You have to say it clearly to him....You are not. If you did, he would understand and move on to something else to blame you for....JUST SAY NO!

frustrated 1's picture

I don't know how to break things down any clearer to this man but yes I put my foot down on no tv in the bedroom.
I wish I had the exact words that would make him hear understand and take action I just can't find them.