DH finally sees that SS is spoiled!
I never thought the day would come, esp not so soon, but it is here, thank goodness and I am finally not the evil step mom in DH's eyes. He never called me evil, but has implied in the past that my feelings and intentions were less then pure :jawdrop:
BB and ss took off for their family vacation on the 4th. Dh tried to call BB to speak to ss before they went on vacation, since they will be gone for 2 weeks and we wont see ss (yay) for 4 weeks. Dh called about 10 times, even left messages to call back , for the 2 days before they left. finally , the day they got to their vacation destination, BB answers the phone. DH asks to talk to SS, and Dh sais that ss can be heard in the background, " NO! I DON"T WANT TO TALK TO DADDY!" in the most snotty voice ever . OF course, BB didn't make SS talk to Dh, because as we are learning, BB is getting the hang of spoiling SS and really lets him have and do whatever he wants, apparently. I felt so bad for Dh, as he does try hard to keep in touch with ss when we don't have him. I could tell it broke his heart and could see that I was right after all and (in his words) Ss was being a "little Sh**)! Dh was hurt, and then furious. "How dare he! he's so spoiled, your right!" ahhhh its good to be right. Of course I wish SS was not spoiled, but it is what it is, and I called it after I first met SS. Since we have been married, I have taken over the finances, even though Dh makes the dough, but because he cant handle money, and I have been the big evil smom not letting DH buy ss toys every time we have him, only on birthdays and certain holidays. before me, Dh would take DH to the store every single weekend he had ss and buy buy buy. I could never believe it. I am a product of a broken home, and got swaped back and fourth every other weekend, and my father never exhibited that behavior with us. We always got anything we needed, but never spoiled us with endless toys. Ss on the other hand is taken to the store for toys by Grandma, , other grandma, mommy, mommys boyfriend, and used to be daddy. The child literally has more toys then he would ever be able to play with.. and hes not even 5!If it were up to BM he prolly wouldnt be potty trained by now either. We had to do it when we had him on our weekends. Anyways, DH proclaimed that there would definitely not be anymore toys, and what not for a while and this is why he stopped buying them for him in the first place! I'll let him think its his idea, I don't mind. I thought it was too good to be true that we get a few weeks interrupted, but now it's ever better because Dh will not be feeling so guilty and sad at not having ss for the next few weeks, esp since ss doesnt miss him and only wanted toys from him. In the last few months he has been getting nasty with DH because he wouldnt take ss to the stor for toys. DH tried to ignore it.
I'm happy to say that we went out to our fav restaurant and had a great 4th in the city. Dh throughly enjoyed the rest of the long weekend we had together, and really seemed a bit relieved to be able to have a guiltfree time without ss, and should be , since ss is well taken care of and not at all living in depravity.
- GreenTeaTime's blog
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It's good to be
My dh was the same way when
My dh was the same way when I met him. Bought the skids a new toy EACH AND EVERY time he had them, which was 4 times a month, and took them to the movies anytime something came out. Not even being selective.
I met him and pointed out that skids are becoming spoiled and he is ruining their future credit by not teaching them they need to have patience and wait for things, rather than having the world handed to them on a platter.
We amended his spending habits to be gifts on GIFT GIVING HOLIDAYS and bdays ( i had to go back and be more specific, as he tried to buy them a 4th of july present.. anyone else heard of this "gift giving holiday"? I asked him what he got for 4th of july from his parents growing up.. nothing??? ohhhh.. ok.. ) Then we changed the movies to be occassional. I can tell you the movies I went to as a child, and I can count them on the 2 hands i have.. that is OVER my WHOLE childhood.. not before age 6.. like the skids.
I posted an article that addresses these topics, I got it from my mom, so I printed it out so my dh can see that I have not been being evil, but rather trying to shape these kids to lead a healthy normal productive life as adults.
I am glad
DH has seen a little light. Your situation sounds like mine did. My Skids are 11 now and we get other issues. DH sees that he is spoiled, but remember it is his kid and he will always have a lapse in memory. Mine does all of the time, just wait until you think SS needs punishment, you will be evil again. I just hope DH stays "in the light", for me it is like a constant circle of him seeing it a nd forgetting it.
I hope he doesnt have a lapse in memory next time ss is with us. I have had to discipline ss a few times,and with Dh's support , so that wont be so much of an issue for a while, probably till ss gets older and new wonderful problems arise. I have to say Dh is improving lately in how he relates to ss and I. The last time we had ss, he was making a game of pulling any flowers and plants off of the yards of the houses we were walking by. I had already warned him that he shouldn't be destroying other peoples property's, but he of course went ahead and did it again. Dh witnessed as I swatted his arm (i was closest to him) well! you would think ss had his arm chopped off, the way he howled. Dh made him sit on a bench until her looked at me and apologized, wich was about an hour. 20 min of that he was still screaming. Dh was actually furious, at ss, so i was shocked that he actually took my side for a change. Perhaps all my hard work and involvement is finally paying off... if you have a situation like mine, don't give up. things can still change. I just hope it sticks.
Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.-Erma Bombeck: