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apologies and forgiveness

workinthruthetoughstuff's picture

I don't even know where to start today. It's been something. I talked to BM today. She called my cell after my husband didn't answer his. She called about going to pick up SD17, but when I thought the conversation was over and I went to hang up the phone she started apologizing.

She apologized for calling. She apologized for everything that has happened over the past few years. She apologized for taking SD's word without looking for the truth. She apologized for hurting us. She asked for forgiveness.

Then she asked for help. Not help with SD, but how to make it through each day. How to cope with the pain that SD is causing with her manipulations and lies. She asked how I made it through.

And she thanked me. She thanked me for talking to her 'after everything that happened.'

My heart hurts for her. Not because we are friends - we are definately not - but because she is in pain. I know that she brought much of this on herself. I know that the tide will turn and she will probably 'forget' that she said these things to me. But for today, I just kind of wish that none of us had to go through such tough times.


knucklehead's picture

Enjoy the soft heart while you can. For some reason, it must be written in the moon and stars, biomoms and stepmoms seem to have a natural rub, competition, whatever. Depending on personalities, it can extend to absolute hatred.
Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can see the surface for what it is.

Doubletakex3's picture

Wow. It must have felt good to get acknowledgement of all that you've been through. I'm touched by your empathy. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to make it through the best we know how.