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Coincidence? Kismet??

ocs's picture


Something recently happened and it is so coincidental that I will buy a lottery ticket today.

BM and I do not
- run in the same circles
- FB each other
- have similar friends
- have anyone in common other than DH and SD13

You get the picture... I can't even describe the situation too much because it is so nutso, I'll be outed on this site if someone knows me and reads it.

Nutshell- someone random in my life who is inadvertently in BM's life unknowingly, just became part of my inner circle... I know- could I be more mysterious? sorry...

My question is- have you guys had any crazy coincidental omg's in your life with bm's? Out of the blue complete randoms??

B22S22's picture

A co-worker at my previous employer and I became good friends. She sometimes talked about how she and her older sister didn't get along because they had two completely different ideas about living life. My friend was very grounded, sensible, etc. Her sister was still getting drunk into her 30's, going out with her best friend, hanging out at bars and picking up guys. Kinda like reliving her late teens/early 20's.

come to find out, BM is the best friend the sister hangs out with. I didn't even want to hear about the "picking up guys" part because BM is married.

But my friend and I did swap some stories and had a LOT of good laughs over it! Especially when friend's sister kept asking her (and me thru friend) to go out sometime with her and her friend (BM).

oldone's picture

BM and DH lived across the street from my parents 30 years ago.

I never knew either of them but around the time of their divorce I remember a divorce named "Pam" (as in our BM Perfect Pam) in the neighborhood that everyone hated.

She didn't like a neighbor's hunting dogs (who caused no problems at all). She ran an add in the paper when this neighbor's husband was in Houston getting cancer treatment that these dogs were available "free".

Now what kind of a fucking asshole tries to give away someone's dogs while they are terminally ill?