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So, since I've been on here, which is not that long (someone pointed out to me a little while ago), Things has been getting better in my home. My SD doesn't do her usual, probably because they haven't really spent anytime with the BM this weekend. -whew- (Cow about to go into labor) My BF has been taking my advice and putting his foot down when it comes to SD. He has actually opened his eyes some to her antics. My SS has started back on his misbehaving in day care, but get this, it's from talking back to adults, I wonder where he got that from?? (-cough- SD) I always told my BF that he was going to start doing that because he likes to do what his big sister does. He noticed that she didn't get in trouble for it, so he figured he wouldn't, wrong answer! Cause SM don't play that mess. But we quickly nipped that in the butt real quick like.

Needless to say, everything has been going real good, and I have to say that this site really helped. Pretty much I did the total opposite of whatever anyone said to me. -shruggs- I was told to leave/ move on from my BF...smh...What happen to stick by your good man? Or talk it out, come to an understanding? I went on other peoples blogs to see if I could get some insight from what they are going through, and nothing. I pretty much just kept reading/ running into the same solutions/opinions. You know what I say, go with your gut feeling. Yes, it's nice to talk about it and it out there off your mind, but go with your gut feeling, because 9 times out of 10 you're going to wish you did if you don't. If you want to work it out and talk about it, then go head, but if every bone in your body is telling you you need to get the fuck out and dodge, then bounce. But don't do it because some stranger told you to. Anyone can have opinions/ suggestions, but the only person who's opinion that matters is your own and the person you choice to spend your life with.

Now, if dude beating your ass or something, then that's a whole different story, get the fuck out and dodge!!! lol...No I'm serious!

Back to me though. I'm happy how things are turning out, and I'm not putting down this site or the people on it. I'm just saying that it has help me to realize just how good I have it, and it's helping me to remember that whenever I come on here. I've always tell the people I work with (or anyone of that matter) That there is always someone out there going through way worst then you are, so don't think that your life is hell, think that you are blessed, because someone is probably wishing that they could go through what you are going through. (This does not apply to all, but majority) There are options to solve your problems, just have to figure out which option is the best to do so.