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Venting: BM DRAMA...(and little updates)

girlfriend of 2's picture

So, the BM had the kids this weekend as she do every weekend. I have noticed time and time again every time we send the kids there their clothes never seem to make it back to us. I done even went out on a shopping spree just for the kids because I noticed that my SD6 have clothes from when she was 3-4, and my SS4 has clothes from when he was 2. (referring to old pictures around the house) My SD is packing booty and is getting thicker by the hour, and my SS is shooting up in height that his shorts be mid thigh. So, I went out and brought them all new clothes and donated all of their old clothes that they couldn't fit anymore. Seems like every weekend they come back with less and less clothes. So this weekend we decided to send them with one outfit and whatever they had on. What you think happen??? Their bathing suits come back with one pair of shorts that my SD had on. Also my SD comes back with a pair of my SS shorts on, wtf??? I'm thinking that we just send them over there with nothing beings though she pretty much keep their clothes every weekend anyway, and majority of the time they don't get out of their damn pajamas to begin with!

Then she have the nerve and start shit with my BF. Talking about me buying things for them is inappropriate. You have to be kidding me. All because she's pissed because she can't do for her own damn kids the way I take care of them...smh...I swear one of these days she's going to hear it, but out of respect for my BF I don't say anything, because I know that it's not going to do nothing but bring more unnecessary drama in his life, as well as mine. But God as my witness, I'm definitely am at my very short fuse with this woman....I even had the nerve to buy this Witch a watch for Christmas and she said that I was being inappropriate with that. I was just trying to be nice. Thing is she thanked me for the watch when we were face to face, but talked so much shit to my BF. Why is it that BM feel as though it's their job to make the BF's life a living hell??? Especially the ones who did the cheating and getting pregnant by another man while you're still married!!?? And "we" the GF have to pick up where you left off and prove that we are not their past, but their future? -sigh-

Just wanted to vent a little...Thoughts???


simifan's picture

Take a trip to the local goodwill... At least this way it won't cost you a fortune. Kids don't like it? Bring back your clothes.

Lalena75's picture

I had my SO buy multiple outfits for his kids since they had nothing here and BM sent crazy things (girls pants for her son, no socks miss matched stuff etc) we let the kids take a couple items home and never saw them again. Now they both have plenty here which was great since our last weekend she sent nothing. He wanted to be ticked at BM, I pointed out why? They have clothes here, wash what they came in and send them back in those as well as the 2 packages of goodnights they don't use here. She tried to be pissed when they came home in what we got them in and SO said "we have clothes for them here washed what they came in and sent them back in them." She then demanded we send their clothes we bought and keep here because "the kids don't live there." SO just didn't respond. Don't send stuff don't expect stuff, kinda my take on it.

girlfriend of 2's picture

I've had the discussion with my SO about this before I read your comment and I said the same thing, we're not going to send them over there with anything. Beings though she keep keeping their clothes, she should have something there for them to wear. My SD I'm not worried about with clothes, because she wears her school uniform throughout the week. My SS is a whole other story though, cause he's not in school so he wears everyday clothes, and I noticed that every time I do the laundry he has less and less clothes when he gets back from BM's. Every weekend we tell her to send back their clothes, and she's like ok. We even got to the point with sending them with only one outfit, and still they come back with only a shirt in the bag, and most times they're getting picked up they are still in their pajamas! I told my SO that I'm fed up with it. They are only going there with the clothes on their backs and their toothbrushes, and he agrees with me.

We even and to start sending them with just their sandals, because I let them wear a pair of their new sneakers one weekend and this skank took them to the beach and let them go in the ocean with all their clothes and sneaker on! smh I couldn't believe it! Like I don't know if she does this crap on purpose or if she just don't give a damn. But I'm taking a stand, cause enough is enough.