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girlfriend of 2's Blog

Don't know if I should be happy or sad

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So, it's been awhile since I have blogged about anything. Ok, so a quick catch up...I am a 25 y/o female with 2 SKs, SD6 and SS4. Me as well as my BF are both in the military. Beings though the military is on a cut down on the people in the service my BF is getting let go, and I have another year on my contract, but I seem to be getting let go as well as soon as my contract is up. Thing is I leave from our duty station and will be getting sent to a new command in the next 2 days.


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So, since I've been on here, which is not that long (someone pointed out to me a little while ago), Things has been getting better in my home. My SD doesn't do her usual, probably because they haven't really spent anytime with the BM this weekend. -whew- (Cow about to go into labor) My BF has been taking my advice and putting his foot down when it comes to SD. He has actually opened his eyes some to her antics. My SS has started back on his misbehaving in day care, but get this, it's from talking back to adults, I wonder where he got that from??

Venting: BM DRAMA...(and little updates)

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So, the BM had the kids this weekend as she do every weekend. I have noticed time and time again every time we send the kids there their clothes never seem to make it back to us. I done even went out on a shopping spree just for the kids because I noticed that my SD6 have clothes from when she was 3-4, and my SS4 has clothes from when he was 2. (referring to old pictures around the house) My SD is packing booty and is getting thicker by the hour, and my SS is shooting up in height that his shorts be mid thigh.

Should we talk, AGAIN

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So since all that happened yesterday with SD wearing her new shoes after told not to, and BF jumping in to save her ass yet again. We haven't really said 2 words to each other today. I noticed that my BF always gets this way after one of our "not talking to you" episodes, because of SD. (mostly me, cause I don't want to go off on him or say something fu*ked up) Anywho, whenever we have one of these episodes after a situation with the SD he tends to try and butter me up. Asking am I ok, wanting to see if we want to do anything, watch a movie together or something. Not this time.

Feel as things aren't going to change

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It's been almost 2 years and I am really starting to think that things are NOT going to change. As much as me and my BF talk about the situation about SD it seems as though he only say what he thinks I want to hear. I explain to him that if he don't make a change now that it's only going to get worst as she gets older, but yet nothing. Even after I explain to him that yes she's only 6, but she is very smart to be only 6. She sucks her teeth at me when I tell her to do/no do something, or huffs and puffs or rolls her eyes at me when she has an attitude with me, and yet nothing.

My SD drives me nuts!!!!

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Ok so I am very new to this. I am a 25 y/o with 2 SK. I have a 6 y/o SD and a 4 y/o SS. I really don't have any problems with my SS, but my SD is a whole other story. My boyfriend is like totally blinded by his daughter's "innocent" act when it comes to her behavior. She has a really smart mouth and she plays us against each other. Which I really can't stand. We don't get into any arguments, but I must say I am really getting tired of trying to open his eyes to his daughter's behavior. Anytime I tell her she can't have something she ask her dad for it after I told her no.