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Help--ss's are drinking and doing drugs in our home

childofmine's picture

I have 2 ss's age 15 who take after their mother. They are doing drugs and drinking in our house. I have two babies and I am afraid I will lose them because of the boys. I had to call the police on the boys last week because they were fighting and wouldn't stop. I don't want my kids around this behavior but I don't know what to do. Their bm doesn't care about the boys and doesn't want any part in helping them and dad has given up.


herewegoagain's picture

Call the police! There is no way you should sacrifice they well-being of YOUR children for his kids...CALL THE POLICE!

childofmine's picture

Okay, so I told "dad" that if the ss's bring or do any of that stuff in our home I will call the police. After the eye rolling stopped he said that its on med.... Do what you have too but you're just gonna make things harder on yourself.. Then he goes into their room and tells them that I'm gonna call the police on them again so don't p*ss me off. I'm am so fed up with this crap!! Why am I the bad guy for caring what they do around "our" babies.

stepsonhatesme's picture

call the cops as fast as your fingers will dial the phone. If you can have the cops come in when the skids are in school.
Tell them you suspect drug activity. and Let them search the SK rooms.

childofmine's picture

I believe in tough love but I'm the only one who thinks something needs to be done. Both bm and bf just want to ignore it and it will go away. We don't give him any money, however they both have been stealing from me. Plus the bm gives them money for things and their older sister (from mom) gives them the drugs because she sells them. They go to the N/A meetings with their mom and aunt and I checked their bag when they got home and they had more. If they were my kids I would do more but I have no say when it comes to them.. I feel like I'm the only one who cares and everyone (bm/bf/grandparents) makes it out like I'm trying to get rid of them, when all I want is for them to get help. I'm ready to give up and take my babies out of here. Not sure how much more I can handle. If I hear "just deal with it" or "boys will be boys" one more time I'm gonna lose it on my boyfriend.