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~~Okay, so follow up with DCF and THAT AMAZING WOMEN~~

childofmine's picture

So ss15#1 comes home and is surprised to see me and babies still here. Hmmm.. Well he has been setting this up for a while now apparently. He is telling BM all kinds of lies to get me arrested or to make me take the babies and leave. Well, with that said, FH still let him go to his football game last night and we all went as a family to watch. The BM and sister19 were there. SS15#2 is very upset about all of this and confronted BM and sister19. Wow!! What a mess I walked up to. Sister19 started yelling at me calling me all kinds of things, saying I ruin their lives. (Sorry bitch your mother did that by f*cking every guy she saw and they were already going through the divorce before I meet FH). So I ignored her and asked SS15#2 to come with me because we were leaving. Sister19 then pushes me and gets in my face. BM had to step in between us so she wouldn’t hit me.
Well SS15#1 comes up and refuses to go home with us (they live with us full time) fine by me.. So he told SS15#2 that he won’t stop messing with me until I’m gone. Now what??

Do I make FH send him somewhere else? BM won’t take him—he had to stay with aunt last night and is going to grandparents for the weekend.

Do I tear my family apart and leave with the babies? This sucks.. I can’t live in the same house as him, because he can accuse me of anything he wants and there’s nothing I can do about it.


herewegoagain's picture

Your DH is the one to blame here. YOUR DH is responsible for YOUR well-being and that of HIS BABIES...if he cares more about pleasing a crazy SS15 and his pathetic daughter and ex, then you need to either give him an ultimatum or pack it up and leave. Your DH is the one who is out of line. These kids would not treat you this way if your DH had put his foot down a long time ago.

doll faced sm's picture

Erm . . . I may have misread something, -BUT- it seems SS15#2 has already solved the problem for you. He left. Say a prayer of thanks to the god of step families and go on about your life.

RaeRae's picture

Do not allow the boy back into your home. Let him beg BM to take him in. Stand up for yourself, your SS15#2, and your babies. Your DH needs to get off his backside and make a man out of SS15#1, or make him leave.

Jsmom's picture

Your DH is to blame. He should be standing up for his wife. Also, I would not tolerate the 19 year old pushing you. I would file a RO on her....

childofmine's picture

I went to the police they wouldn't do anything because the police weren't called to the high school when it all happened.

MamaBecky's picture

Dont leave your home and uproot your babies....tell DH that the bad seed will not be allowed to come home until he is dealt with and behaving properly. If this is not possible to fix (and its' most likely not) then DH will have to make other living arrangements for his son long term. If he cant find anyone to take him long term then let the brat get emancipated and then he can be noones problem but his own. If emancipation is not an option then send him to a summer camp that is not fun. Let him run away a few times and go to lockup. If he spends the summer in a miserable summer camp then maybe he will come back with a better attitude or at least be willing to fake it until he's 18. Good luck!

CaptainD's picture

WHY would you even consider moving??? NO!!! That brat is completely out of line. Stand your ground and do not uproot yourself or your babies from your home.

on the fence's picture

^^^^^^^^THIS! And DH needs to understand that unless he wants another BM demanding child support, he better do something!

Even that's no good, because that would give him visitation with out you there and the babies are not old enough to defend themselves against that monster SS.

No, you need to stay right there, notify appropriate authorities and put you foot down with DH!

shootingstarz's picture

You are the adult. Don't let children rule you. Stand up for yourself. And DH needs a serious wake up call. Have a serious talk with him. You don't deserve to feel this way over his kids. Whether he think so or not, you come first before them. He needs to realize that.

alwaysanxious's picture

I agree with the other posters... your husband should be doing something about this.