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OMG that F*******woman is amazing

childofmine's picture

Okay so 8:30 am I get a knock on our door and the police and DCF are standing there…. The SS’s BM called and filed a neglect claim on ME. I am the one taking care of HER f***ING KIDS every day. She sees them 4 times a month. I am a stay at home mom, so I am here every day when they get home from school, cook all of their meals, do their laundry, wake them up for school and every other little thing they need. She is all pissy because I called the police on ss15#1 because he was beating up ss15#2 last week. If she’s so worried about her precious little babies why doesn’t she take them!!! I am so sick and tired of all of their sh*t.
Thank you for letting me vent 


AVR1962's picture

You have ever right to be upset. Jump thru the hoops with DCF and prove bio mom wrong!

Rags's picture

File a complaint with the police for harassment and defamation of character. These morons who try to use the system to be a toxic PITA need some severe consequences for their actions.

I know that in most states that there can be no criminal repercussions for a DCF complaint but I would for sure see if you can initiate civil action against her if the DCF and police won't pull their heads out of their asses and do something about BM's toxic bullshit.

Good luck

childofmine's picture

Oh it just keeps getting better!! SS15#1 came home from football tonight and was shocked to see me and the babies still here... He thought I was gonna go to jail and they would take the two babies to foster care. Well sorry your plan didn't work. So he called BM with my phone to complain that she didn't say the right things to get me in trouble. Tells dad not to worry he won't give up trying until I leave with the babies. I wish he would go live with BM and leave the rest of us alone. Why can't he be more like ss15#2.

alwaysanxious's picture

So why is he still living with you if he likes BM so much and you are "so horrible"?? Can't H tell him to just leave? He flat out admitted he doesn't want you around, grounds for leaving.

I am sure there are complications. Its just so frustrating to hear something like this that is so bold.

childofmine's picture

They are living with us because she doesn't want them. It would mess up her lifestyle. When Dh and I got together we even had her daughter with us, all the while she got the CS from daddy #1. SS15#1 knows mommy dearest won't take him so he has made it priority #1 to make me crazy. SS15#2 says its because I am a good mother to all of our kids and he doesn't get why the babies got lucky and he got screwed. DH thinks I am over reacting again because I told him I was gonna just leave with the babies and let him win. I can't keep doing this Sh*t, I'm only 32 and already had a heart attack at 30 because of all the crap BM and SS15#1 have put us through. DH just doesn't want me to take the babies away. Keeps saying "it is what it is" and "boys will be boys". I think I am gonna have to leave so I can be a good mom to my real babies. Poor SS15#2 won't have anyone on his side now. Wish I could take him with me.

herewegoagain's picture

This is out of control. I think you need to protect yourself and your kids. I would give my DH an ultimatum...either he gets the kids out of the house, or I would be out. There is no way that your kids deserve to live in stress caused by a crazy BM and lousy ungrateful skids...sigh...

PS - I would also check the laws on recording people in your state and try to get the idiot skids taped saying such things...that way, next time, and there will be a next time, you can give it to police or just give it to them asap...Kick those idiots out of your home.