childofmine's Blog
okay so ths is what i am about to send to so--any thoughts??
This is what I have been feeling and unable to express to you for fear of how you would react. Yes, I knew you had kids and a wicked ex when we got together. However, this does not mean I knew what I was getting into, not at all.
~~first steps~~
~~Happy Note~~
Baby C just took his first steps.
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~~Okay, so follow up with DCF and THAT AMAZING WOMEN~~
So ss15#1 comes home and is surprised to see me and babies still here. Hmmm.. Well he has been setting this up for a while now apparently. He is telling BM all kinds of lies to get me arrested or to make me take the babies and leave. Well, with that said, FH still let him go to his football game last night and we all went as a family to watch. The BM and sister19 were there. SS15#2 is very upset about all of this and confronted BM and sister19. Wow!! What a mess I walked up to. Sister19 started yelling at me calling me all kinds of things, saying I ruin their lives.
OMG that F*******woman is amazing
Okay so 8:30 am I get a knock on our door and the police and DCF are standing there…. The SS’s BM called and filed a neglect claim on ME. I am the one taking care of HER f***ING KIDS every day. She sees them 4 times a month. I am a stay at home mom, so I am here every day when they get home from school, cook all of their meals, do their laundry, wake them up for school and every other little thing they need. She is all pissy because I called the police on ss15#1 because he was beating up ss15#2 last week.
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Help--ss's are drinking and doing drugs in our home
I have 2 ss's age 15 who take after their mother. They are doing drugs and drinking in our house. I have two babies and I am afraid I will lose them because of the boys. I had to call the police on the boys last week because they were fighting and wouldn't stop. I don't want my kids around this behavior but I don't know what to do. Their bm doesn't care about the boys and doesn't want any part in helping them and dad has given up.
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