Wow!! SD has totally thrown me under the bus!! I'm baaaackkkkkk!!!!
Hi All,
Well, SD (22 years old, with a kid and loser BF)has ignored me and "banned" me from Facebook, her father and her life. She "friended" his ex-GF who wants him back so was ugly for a bit before we got married. We have been this way for a couple of months now because I called her out on some of her crap and she didn't like it. I had been drinking, which was wrong, but SD and BM went to DH's friends and told them we were breaking up!! HUH??
Cut to last Saturday night...we were at a birthday party at DH's best friend's house. BM and SD show up and she hugs me. I looked at DH like, HUH?? Ok....
He was talking to SD out in the yard of this house. NOT even close to anyone. I walked up and she asked,"are we cool?" I said, "no, you owe me an apology and I'd like some answers to the BS you started at our BBQ and your nasty comments. She yells for BM to come save her. I walked away, asked DH for the keys and went to the car to cool off. When I came back, I sat on the front porch (party was in back) and DH's best friend's wife comes out to see if I am ok. She went on and on about SD and told me she was spoiled and that SD and BM (they all went to high school together and still act like it at 50) told her DH and I were splitting up. WOW!!!
Needless to say, I never talked to BM or SD the rest of the night. DH got stupid drunk, lost Sunday to the couch and then we went to a family BBQ. SD ignored me and EVERYONE noticed it. DH did NOTHING to make me feel better and he came home and went to bed early because he went out-of-town for work this morning.
He just called me and gave me SD's "story" about Saturday. she created her own drama to fit her needs. He is mad and said he is staying out of town, on the road and not coming home. I told him I have disengaged from her and the boyfriend and that I don't care what he does with her. I am sick of the BS, the high school friends that BM says stuff to and her "created" stories to get me out of her Dad's life.
Oh wait..he just texted and said, "you both need to get over it and move forward." LOL!! How????
WHY does everyone enable her to be nasty to me? I am supposed to "let it go" and apologize?? NO WAY!!
Anyone have any ideas? He's out of town until Labor Day weekend, which is fine with me. I don't want to talk to him. This is so stupid, immature and he believes her over me!! She created the story to fit her needs!! Ugh...
Thanks ahead of time!
Thanks Maux!! I just don't
Thanks Maux!! I just don't understand WHY he believes HER and not me?? I told him exactly what I said and he's believing her? I called him on it and a few other times that SD has created her own story and he believes her!! WOW!!
I am trying to save this marriage and I won't be disrespected by SD anymore. Not sure I can do it.
New I feel for you really I
New I feel for you really I do...but one of the worst things that can happen to a step parent is happening to you right now and that is you are seeing when push comes to shove, the skid will always win out...because in the end they will always be spouses kid, and you may not always be DW...hope it works out for you...good luck!
NewWife2010, I am in the
NewWife2010, I am in the exact situation right now. Your SD and BM have over-stepped boundaries with you, you are trying to be understanding and accomidating to try and get along but they know they have the upper-hand. Your husband's reactions are just like my husband's, get wants no involvement and only wants me to forgive & forget. Like you, I have asked myself the same is this possible? This morn my husband nad I got into this very fight except this is 21 years for me dealing with kids who ruled the home and stomped on me and an exwife that husband never attempted to stop or deal with.
I only know to disengage. What is happening is a result of husband's lack of courage to face exwife and deeal with her and his daughter. He is expecting you to take the blows but he was to stay disconnected so he doesn't have to deal with the hardships of a confrontation which still does no justice for you.
Ex thinks she has the right, SD feels she has the right because husband has not stopped them. Anything you do and say will be used against you and turned into something that it is not. What choice do you have left but to disengage entirely?
If your husband is anything like mine if you do disengage he will continually try and drag you back in and make you feel like you are not be understanding or forgiving, that the kids deserve anotehr chance, that he wants to show a united front and he's not doing anything with you.
I got sucked in by this a few months back and paying for it all over again, nothing has changed, stepsons are still very angry, nothing I do or say is right, husband still being passive. I told him this morn that I am completely disengaging from the boys and will not have anyhthing more to do with thema nd told him to not drag me back into the garbage with them.
He glared at me and walked out the door. Bad thing about this, is when I have done this in the past my husband takes it out on my 2 oldest daughter (his step daughters) and will not make contact with them at all.
If we did not have a child of our own this marriage would ahve ended long ago. I don't wan to divorce because of my husband's children as this is not fair to our daughter we share but it is real hard to deal with and I am dumb-founded that he doesn't understand.
I did this with both my stepsons (now 26 & 28)
New Wife - I don't know if
New Wife - I don't know if this will help or make sense... You say that SD "created" the story to fit her needs. DH and I know that ploy well... BM does it here all the time, and it seems, has done it for as long as DH has known her.
What it took SD's therapist to point out to me, and to DH, and SD... is that BM creates the story to fit her needs because she is in a lot of pain (some NPD/ histrionic - you may want to check those personality disorders out). And that BM has a "lot of pain" there. I'm like "Yeah! Right!!" Ha!! Pain ... she's got pain!!
And then... well, it doesn't excuse it for me. I still get angry and frustrated. But I did do a little deeper digging into how / why BM could become the person she is. Some of it is product of her environment and some of it is genetics. And you know what? I don't like BM as a person. I don't like who she is , or who she became. I don't like that she grew up and took a path that is wrong and selfish, instead of taking the path of recognizing poor behavior and trying to change it. As SD has actually done.
For example... when BM was little, her mom used to say to her ... "I hope you throw up and die!!" This just came out recently as BM's mom is very sick, and she said told SD and I that. You could think that BM was making it up.. but knowing BM's mom... it's more than likely true. Also SD has witnessed BM's mom being very verbally abusive to just about everyone, including SD, who at 8 she called a "little b*tch" because SD burned a plastic tablecloth by mistake.
Anyway... my point is.... it's easy to get pissed off and say that your SD is creating her own reality and you shouldn't have to bow to it. I completely and fully understand that. What's harder to achieve is the understanding that your SD BELIEVES HER OWN REALITY THAT SHE HAS CREATED. That is her perception.
It's the old adage - his side, her side and the truth somewhere in between. So... you now know your side. You know SD's side. Could it be possible that years of baggage on both sides have altered each of your perceptions so that the truth could be somewhere in between?
I'm not saying to doubt yourself. I'm just saying that we all need to look at the fact that just because WE BELIEVE IT TO BE SO.. does not necessarily mean that it is exactly that way. Nothing in this world is black and white. And personally, I believe that a lot of step issues are caused by these various perceptions and the fact that each side refuses - absolutely refuses - to look at any other possibilities where they could be in the wrong.
Stick...I get that!! He just
Stick...I get that!! He just called and believes her "story" and not mine. He actually told me that there are several things that I have said that he doesn't believe!! I am his wife, not his daughter and she is the daughter, not his wife. SHE IS THE WIFE!!!
We are NOT getting along right now and I'm at my end! I'm not sure how to handle it and he sucks me in all the time. He tells me that I needed to walk away and not ASK for an apology! NO WAY!! I am NOT being disrespected by SD anymore. I wasn't OK with where we were at with the issues and SHE needed to apologize, not just give me a hug and think everything is fine. I didn't yell, didn't make a scene, just said what I did and walked away. Now she has gone to DH's friends who had the party and told them I screamed at her, that I was rude and that she DID apologize. DH is mad at me because his best friend called to see what the truth was! DH TOLD HIM SD WAS RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG??!!!
DH is out-of-town on business and says I'm being negative and need to make things right because SD said that she and her BF don't want to see him either. THAT is NOT my problem.
I'm totally disengaging with them all. I am not taking his calls for the next few days and I don't really care what she does. Haven't for awhile...
Any other suggestions?
Newwife2010 - I hope you can
Newwife2010 - I hope you can understand where I am coming from with this one...
I think that both you and your DH were right. Did you deserve an apology... Yes. Was the party the time and place to ask for it? Probably not.
As far as SD telling everyone at the party what happened, I'd be very curious to know where this exchange took place. Did it take place outside, but in view of others? In the house and no one else was in there at all? The reason why I ask is because I fully know that I have thought I said something to someone in a way that was completely perceived by others in a different light! I was so frustrated one time, that I thought I SPOKE "Would you stop this? It's ruining our vacation!" and what 3 other people told me I YELLED was "Would you cut this sh*t out? You're ruining MY vacation!" (And these were girlfriends, before I was married, no skids involved.) To this day, I swore I was calmer when I asked, and was saying "OUR" vacation, not MY.
I'd be interested to hear others perceptions of how the exchange went. And yes, while I also fully and completely believe that your DH could be suffering from "daddy eyes" as my DH has them too, I also wonder how close / far from reality everyone is.
Like I said, I'm not asking you to discount what you think happened, but I am asking you to not take your gut reaction to what DH is saying. If it were me, I'd be asking the really hard questions, and trying to get to the bottom of why he doesn't believe you. There is such a thing as guilty daddies, but I almost feel like we overdiagnose it.
In any event, I wasn't there. But I am really surprised that your DH's friend called DH only based on what your SD said. I'd be very curious as to what brought her to tell everyone that incident and what DH's friend said to DH about it, as well. (Personally, I think someone else at the party saw and/or heard SOMETHING that was going on... and asked.)
Stick... The party is at DH's
The party is at DH's friend's house of which he has been friends with for 30 plus years, been through countless GF's and drama with the SD.
When I approached SD, we were no where near anyone and I agree that the party was NOT the proper place to ask for an apology, but the fake hug when she walked in (there were about 50 people there) was just that...FAKE. She wants to look like the good girl and me the bad SM. She and her BM had gone to these friends and blasted the rumor that we were splitting up. That is crap! BM, DH and the friends at the party all act like they are in high school and all are over the age of 50. DH's friend ONLY calls him, never me. His wife has never been kind to me and backs BM because they have known her 30 years and me only a little over one year. Stupid? Immature? YES!! DH's friend's wife even admitted that Saturday evening. No one heard the exchange. SD created her own story and DH believes her, not me. She creates these stories and actually believes them! She lives in a poluted world! BM has already called them all and blasted me again. I wasn't drinking, SD had 3 shots and I am just DONE. they claim I was drunk! I had a diet soda in my hand!!!!
I have disengaged from them all and since DH is out of town for business, I'm leaving him alone too. I have plenty of friends to be with and I'm done with it all.
If he can't support and trust me, there is nothing left of this relationship.
I understand NewWife... I'm
I understand NewWife... I'm sorry that he is not giving you the support you need and DESERVE. And believe me, I get it ... I can't stand fake and have certainly had my share of fake niceness with BM and her relatives. I know how skeevy that can be.
As far as DH's friend only calling him, not you... I can kind of understand that. I mean, my girlfriend 99.999% of the time only calls me. The only time she would ever call my husband is if she can't get me? She certainly wouldn't call him to chat. And I highly doubt that she would call him to ask him anything like your DH's friend asked him. And also, unfortunately, I can feel for you when it comes to the mutual friends treating you like crap. I have had to deal with the stinkeye, or the sizing up. Especially when I first met DH.
I guess, I just was feeling that while you are this angry, you won't get DH to see your side, no matter how right you are. So, I was trying to find some - ANY - ground that you could speak to him on to get to the bottom of it all.
Just be careful... and take care of yourself, and protect what you really want.
Thanks StepAside!! You
Thanks StepAside!! You nailed it again!! I was just not in the mood to deal with her and her BS "attempt" with the hug. That is her way of getting out of apologies and her excuses are endless. She did the same thing with her Grandma that she screamed at for 30 minutes last week and then showed up to the family BBQ, hugged her and all was well. That doesn't work for me.
What I don't understand is WHY and HOW DH doesn't believe me at all! It's to a point that there isn't anything that I can say that he believes. I didnt' lie about what I said Saturday night. She created her story to fit her needs to get DH on her side. He said, "she has never lied to me all of her life." Really? I guess I'm confused because I know of several times she has lied since I've been around, you told me she lied and you let it go. I don't get it.
This has made me sick...physically. I have a terrible cold, high BP (and I'm a workout fiend)and I wake up at night worried about losing my husband because of all of this crap.
I disengage and he has said if I don't engage and fix it, I'm out! Maybe I should just leave while he is working out-of town and see how serious he is about that statement?
Again, some help here this morning!!
If they admitted it at the
If they admitted it at the time it was going on, they might actually have had to do something about it.
Thank you StepAside!! He
Thank you StepAside!!
He believes her, not me about EVERYTHING!! I have decided to disengage from both of them. He called while I was at Zumba and left me a VM. No "I love you" or anything. He can sit there and wonder why I am not calling back. DUH...why should I? You don't support,love or trust me. It's that simple. He's out-of-town and makes commments when I don't call back like, " didn't call because you're out finding a new man." HUH?? He is very insecure and I believe he knows she is a mess. He just can't bring himself to admit it to me like you said.
You rock! Hope you have a great week!
I feel the same resentment
I feel the same resentment towards SD. I have NEVER been around someone so enabled to treat people so cruely. When I say anything about her behavior, I am the bad guy. Why can't you just leave it alone? ARE YOU KIDDING?? She is cruel, selfish and she thinks DH should be all about her and no one else. It's no wonder DH is on marriage #3 with me. I guess I should have seen that as a red flag. The lack of support, respect and trust from him because of her telling him I'm lying (I'm not) is ruining our relationship.
Today is one of those days that I am ready to leave all of this behind. It doesn't feel worth it. However, I'm disengaging from all of them, no calls, no emails, texts or Facebook messages. When they can't find me, it kills them and I am relaxed. Workouts help too. I am taking care of ME and no one else the remainder of the week.
DH doesn't come home until Labor Day weekend so I have time to do ME stuff!! I am so excited!
You all are amazing and I'm so happy to be here!! You really have helped me cope with the crap!!
Thank you Snarky!! It really
Thank you Snarky!! It really does help NOT to engage any of them!! WAHOO!!
Snarky!! I am a total handbag
I am a total handbag and shoe girl!! Actually DH was going to take me shopping on Sunday, after the BBQ party Saturday night, but was so hung over, he was on the couch all day!! LOL!!
I'm off to shop!!