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My 7 month marriage is over due to SD!!

newwife2010's picture

I have posted about my nasty 22 yo SD and her wacked relationship with her father. We got married in March this year and he announced last night that he wants a divorce because I bring too much drama to our life. He is in denial about his daughter, his finances and his world.
Last weekend we celebrated SD's baby's 1st bday. He went out and bought $400 worth of gifts and then RAN to get a payday loan to cover the bill!! WHY?? I asked why he didn't he just tell her we couldn't afford it and buy something for the baby that was less??? I don't have a kid, but I don't think a one year old won't know what they got at a year! I think it was more for his daughter than his grandchild.
Now I'm in the doghouse and he wants to leave because I was at a resturant in town while he was out of town and his ex's bf saw me and called my DH saying I was out with 2 other men and I was drunk!! I DON'T drink and I wasn't with anyone!!! I live in a small town and of course...his ex calls him with her "information" and DH says he believes her over me.
I have to fly to get my car home from AZ because I am back home in WA to interview for a much needed job. He texted me today and said,"get your car and go stay with your parents, I still have a lot to think about." WHAT??? We aren't going to talk about this? You are just sending me away?
Help!! I love him but I can't compete with SD and her "marriage" to my husband. I am frustrated and I haven't been much fun lately, bitching...but come on!! What about US!! She has her own life, kid and BF!!

Should I just come back home and pack it up???


I dont know what to say other than it sounds like his priorities are with everyone but you. Is it possible to get your car and a uhaul at the same time to haul everything back with you?

Stick's picture

Newwife - your marriage isn't over because of your SD. Your marriage is over because your DH is being a dink. His priorities are out of whack. He is the one that believes his ex's new bf instead of you. He is the one who is betraying you and who is not living up to his marriage vows.

Please place the blame squarely where it belongs... on your husband.

I'm really sorry you are going through this.. but by blaming your issues on your SD, you are giving your husband a "pass" and he will continue to treat you badly. Sad

newwife2010's picture

Thanks everyone!! I'm so sad!! You are right about his priorities and she is on the top of the list. I am getting my car tomorrow, heading to my parents' for some fun and sun for a few days and then coming back and moving out. He is NOT worth it!!!

newwife2010's picture

After battling with SD about what a terrible person I am for the last hour or so...I am DONE!! He doesn't want me in his life and he told me that SD and her child are #1!! I said that is fine but he should have never married me and he should stay single.
You are all right...he is not a great guy, but I am NOT even going to start to list the crap SD has pulled over the last year!!
I asked him for a divorce tonight and she went OFF about how he has wanted to leave since July. Amazing that's when she started bad mouthing me working at Microsoft and us talking about moving near there if I got the job!!!

I'm off to AZ in the morning and collecting my car and stuff to rid myself of the SKID, her kid, the lazy uneducated BF and the rest of the crazy family...not to mention the man that can't make a woman #1!!!

I lost everything!! All my money, job, self-esteem and self-worth.

Hopefully some time in the sun with the parents will be good for me.

Thank you all!!

PS: He is 50 years old!!!!!!

hornet64's picture

Just FYI... First of all, I'm sorry newwife2010 that this has happened to you. I too got married in March of this year to a man with a daughter... Grant it, she is 5 and not 22, but they cause problems at any age.

Now, I have read a few posts in this blog and others on this site that talk about not blaming the SD... Clearly, those of you writing that have never dealt with an overly jealous SD. Yes, the husband is to blame also and nobody is refuting that... BUT! These SD's that see that they can cause problems will do just that. They know at 5 or 22 that they can get in the middle and make daddy choose... they also know that they will win. My SD5 is very difficult to deal with sometimes because of her unhealthy attachment to her dad. He can't even go pee without her standing next to him and she cries when someone else sits next to him on the couch!

Things have gotten so bad in my house that my DH yelled at me and her brothers about how we don't like her... then he picked up a knife and handed it to us and told us if we didn't like her, then we should just go and kill her. Oh my the drama! Never dreamed it was gonna be like this!

Freedom2005's picture

I do know what you mean about the jealousy. My SD11 is stuck like glue to my BF. I call her "the leech" Now, I DO understand that Daddy has guilty issues and favors her over all else. I have tried to come to terms with it.

It took me 3 years to get him to agree that she should sleep in her own bed. He would not only have her sleep with him, it was like she could not sleep alone! If I was over for the night, if I did not get kicked out of the bed for her, she would sleep with her brother. I tried to explain to him that it would cause issues later but he would say, "her kindergarten teacher said it was a good thing to comfort her" Uh, not EVERY night. She needs to learn separation. I do understand that she might have separation anxiety. But after I moved in, with her brother reaching puberty, she needed to sleep on her own. At first we had her in the same room as my girls, but she complained about them so she got her own room. After this, I DEMANDED that she sleep in it. I went to the counselor for the family and explained the situation. When she had talked to BF, she thought it was just once in a while, not every night. She finally explained to him that it was GOOD for her to sleep in her own bed other than crisis situations.

Anyway.... sorry, a pet peeve that I still battle in my head even though she sleeps in her own bed most of the time. But it is a great example of how it is hard to change a father's mind about his princess daughter. They are so protective of them, which some people see as great! When you see it every day, you see how much power these girls have over their father.

***off soapbox***

Sita Tara's picture

My H left me for another woman. SD celebrated dancing on the grave of our marriage. The OW has no idea what she's in for. Your words are incredibly wise and I wish I could have foreseen the pain and suffering I'm enduring now much sooner.

skylarksms's picture

Reading all the posts, the thing that stuck out to me the most was New Wife saying that she told him she wanted a divorce and SD has something to say about that?? :jawdrop:

WTF, you are better off without both of them. Let them marry each other!!

Mominator's picture

Your "ongoing drama" is because you know you are not #1 in his life. It creates A LOT of anxiety in our lives to be placed last. I've been there, and done it. Now that my SD are out of the house and refuse contact, WHOOPPEE, we are having a good time. Our marriage would have failed soon too, and we just got married this year also. It's the daddy-princess syndrome that's making us want to puke.

Start over, and find the right man that will treat you like a queen. We all deserve it!! I was completely ready to be done if things didn't change in our relationship. None of us needs to go through crap like this for the rest of our lives. These SD bitches can have daddy-door-mat for the rest of their lives!

steptwins's picture

I was threaten at 3 mos. too. Either shut up or move out. For some reason, I got medication & shut-up. Married now 3 years, and the swins are wild, disrespectful to everyone - esp. DH! I disengaged but have no family life (the reason I remarried). I should have packed it up at 3 months. I feel unwelcomed there.

hornet64's picture

sueu2... I completely hear everything you're saying and even agree with a lot of it. Yes, my husband has a lot of fault in this situation because yes, he likes her attention and her jealousy and all of that. And quite honestly, I NEVER asked to be #1 in his life because she IS his child and is a priority.

I have had chats with SD about the situation and her behavior. I have tried to tell her that I am not a threat to her and that daddy loves her and I do things for her, color with her, go to the playground with her... etc. If anybody is the real blame for her behavior then truth be told, it's her mother. Her mom lets her do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and doesn't even try to parent her. Then when I mention these things to DH, he tells me that it's too hard to parent her because he "can't" do anything different in our house that isn't going on in the BM's house because it would confuse her.

For example, SD doesn't like to sleep alone... she comes into our bedroom and pulls daddy out of bed to go lay with her. He waits until she's asleep then comes back to our bed... then she wakes up and pulls him back and this goes on all night long. This is because her mom sleeps with her, lets her sleep with grandma, siblings, whomever... DH and I have tried to tell her not to get up and to stay in the bed by herself but she won't listen. DH has even spanked her for coming into our room but she is so stubborn that she is willing to risk the spanking to get what she wants... at some point, you HAVE to give some responsibility, dare I say "blame," to the kid for doing what they want despite instruction or punishment.

I understand that she probably doesn't like me and that's okay, she doesn't have to... but you know what? There's nothing in the rule book that says I have to like her.

Rosie7's picture

I agree entirely with your philosophy but it takes enormous strength and perseverance to achieve this #1 status in step familiy scenarios dont you think?

VAStepMom's picture

I am sorry you are in this pickle with your DH. I remember back when I was married just a few months and Step parenting was kicking my butt. I too, had a SD to deal with.... she made my life a living hell. But, I chose to love my DH, so much, that he would NEVER let me go easily. I worked very hard to balance my anger / love in the situation. I bit my tongue and played it out in the best possible way. I chose my battles. I didn't try to fight every single one. Believe me, there were times my DH thought he wanted a divorce. There were times, I wanted one. There were times I cried in the shower.... There were times I drove off in my car for some peace and cry time and privacy so I could vent to my friends.... But now... almost 5 years later, we are still together, we love each other very much and SD17 is living with her mom, and coming EOW. We still have issues with her from time to time, but I am so glad we made it and are still together.

If you love your man, try to talk to him.... carefully, and peacefully...and see if you can possibly make amends.

If you think it is over... and just want it to be.... no one will fault you. Step parenting is very very difficult, and most times, it can ruin marriages. Especially if you are living away from family and friends to be with him.... you feel so alone.

You would not be the first to throw in the towel. I almost did.

Take care, and God Bless your decision either way.

Be Safe.

Shannon61's picture

He's spending that type of loot to appease his daughter. It's one thing when you can afford it. And to get a payday loan to pay for it is not only reckless, but ridiculous. He's going to end up in the poor house trying to take care of HER family.

I'm sorry to hear that he believed someone else over you . .his wife. If he wants you to go, leave and don't give him a second chance to break your heart. You say you love him? Well he's not showing you that he feels the same way. You deserve better and I wish you the very best.

I think that SDs usually get most of the blame because they also play an active role at being manipulative and obnoxious so we tend to lean toward placing the blame on them as opposed to our DHs. But DHs should carry much of the blame as well. Everytime I complain about my SD (26) my mom reminds me that my DH is the reason she is who she is.

Rosie7's picture

History has a way of repeating itself.

I am sorry that you are having to go through this awful situation with DH and SD. The story is a familiar one and I have only been a member of this site for just over a week and already the same scenarios keep playing out. Paradoxically, we all on this site seem to have 'endured' the tactics of the SD, but I agree with the other posts that the DH shares blame also. I dont have any answers but I just take some comfort from the evidence from this site that others have suffered similar situations.
Take heart from people who want to help in their small way - but it does not take from the fact that you are dealing with low IQs and sad manipulators. It takes strength to rise above it and not be sucked in by it.

I wish you the very best - today is the next best day for the rest of your life!!

Rags's picture


Sadly, or maybe happily, move on. IMHO.

He has made his choice and has chosen to be "married" to his daughter rather than making a life with you.

His financial judgement would likely have dragged you down eventually so I would take this as an opportunity to go before you are saddled with any more of his consequences for his continued poor decision.

I am truly sorry that you are going through this and that your DH is found to be a man of so little character.

Good luck and best regards,

lavada_129's picture

I can only imagine how you feel I would try not talk to him and if that don't work write him a letter a heart felt letter and leave it with him. I would leave for maybe a weekend only and try again. And see what happens if he wants to end it. Sweetie it is nothing you can do about that. But just try see if you can go to counseling or a pastor and talk to someone together. It is so sad at how conniving these ex's and kids can be. It is a same. Good luck.

newwife2010's picture

Hello All!! Thank you all so much for the kind words of wisdom! I have moved out of the house, SD is loving every minute of it and has thrown me under the bus to all of her father's friends. The ex has created some drama and when I got to the house in Wa from AZ, SD had torn up every picture of her Dad and me and threw them away. I called him, like he asked, when I found them and he said that I made this happen!! WHAT???? He also said that she denied tearing the pictures up and that maybe someone else was in the house!! I almost died when he said that!! NO ONE ELSE HAS A KEY!! He said that I have been negative, mean and not fun to be around for the past few months! Are you kidding me? Look at what I have had to deal with!!
Oh well...
I am moving on to a better life! I got the job, I have to find a place to live but some great friends to stay with for a week or so.
I thank all of you for the wonderful support and I am sad that my marriage is over and my husband CAN'T make me #1. You are right, I deserve a man that will make me important!! SD did have quite a bit to do with us breaking up. I refused to enable her and my husband and his family continue to allow her to behave the way she does. All I did was call her out on her crap and I am the bad guy.

All I can say now....IT'S HIS LOSS!!!

I am in WA so if there are any of you out there that live here too, let me know! I will be checking in from time to time and would love to meet up for coffee!!

Stay strong all and I'm out here if you need me!!!

Iwantmylifebackj's picture

Good for you... It takes guts to just leave. In my case, my DH wanted to move out, which is better. I felt quite sad and depressed, but life has to move on. Like your DH, my DH blames me for calling him out on his irresponsible financial decisions. I lost money in our marriage, so his daughter can live in a luxurious apartment without a job. I think my DH feels so guilty, he does not care about himself and his marriage at all. Well, we both can move on and get our real lives together. They (DH) wanted to live in the poor house and end up in nursing homes. That's their choice, not yours or mine. We can chose to live there with them or get out and find someone else. I chose to live a life with peace and no drama from a no good product of guilt-driven parenting. Personally, I believe that my DH and yours need to get a grip. They are the ones wanted to get marry. They should honor their vows, let go of their grown children, and establish healthy boundaries. They can't do that. Well, that's too bad. It's their problem. He married a good woman.
Your DH probably knows that he is making a mistake. Probably, just like my DH, tend to make threats when they are angry and then regret ever suggesting the threat. When he makes threats, he is disrespecting our vows. Maybe, he should marry his daughter, since the only contract he seemed to be able to honor is the birth certificate. I know it sucks for the both of us to realize this is. Well, good luck and my prayers be with you. Stay strong! I keep on telling myself these feelings of sadness and depression will pass. I am going to grief for my marriage. If we end up together, it's going to be a new marriage. We have to start the whole process all over again. This time he has to prove to me that he really want to be to me not the birth certificate. If we don't, my next man won't have any children and respects me as #1 in his life. No worries, either way, we find out what we wanted in a marriage. In my case, I will never ever be a stepparent again. I am not that strong to battle someone else's problems and live with it day in and day out.

Stick's picture

New Wife - Congratulations on your new job, your newfound strength and sense of self, and your new future!

I'm not making light of your struggle though. I think Iwantmylifeback wrote a really good post just last night about how hard it can be, but how strong her resolve is.

I'm usually not the one to advocate the break-up of a marriage. But until your husband realizes what he has done / is doing, you are pretty much in a no-win situation. You can't be the only one that needs to change and adapt.

I hope your new job really makes you happy! Personally, I find that my career gives me great satisfaction, and that helps in other areas of my life as well.

Best of luck.. Please keep us updated on your progress. There are many women here that are no longer steps that still come and contribute to the board.