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I'm not cut out for this

laughterandtears's picture

This whole SM thing. I am about to ship both of these boys off to a private school where hopefull they will teach them some manners and give them a dose og reality. Yesterday evening, SS8 decided he was going to go outside without telling me. I seen him go but I dealing with a screaming teething 9 month old. So as I was taking care of my BS, my SS apparently decides this is his oppurtunity to do as pleases. I finally get done with BS and go look for SS. He is in the back yard with his pants and underwear down around his ankles. The neighborhood we live in very populated. While we can't stand on our porch and touch the one next door, you could fit about 2 full size vehicles side by side. Our back yard faces other back yards. This is a neighborhood where the yards have to be neat at all times, your house has to look good, ect... Imagine my suprise to find him out there doing that. When I asked him why he said because his friends did it. I asked him why he was about to cry (no suprise, he's The Whiner) and his response was that he was afraid he was going to get in trouble because he knew it was wrong. I don't get it. He knew better. I told him that what he did was breaking the law and if he exposed himself in public again, I would call the police for his brreaking the law and let them deal with it. I then called his counsler, she talked to him then to me and told me the BM never taught them any manners and that she believes this was a big F**K You to me. Great. All because I didn't get him the to he seen at the mall? I am currently beating my head against the desk as I write this.