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laughterandtears's Blog

I have to thank BM

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I owe many thanks to the BM in my family. She was awful enough to make me seek a place to turn to and so I happened this site. I have many wonderful friends from here that have carried over into my everyday life. I love those friends and would do anything to help them. So, BM, I thank you for that. She was stupid enough to act like an immature child while her and SDA were married, which caused a divorce, so now he is mine. Thank you, BM, for being an idiot. I must also thank her for being a worthless mother. She has given her kids to me, is allowing me to adopt them and call them my own.

Ya, it's been awhile, but get this

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Hi all, how are you? Alright, lets begin by considering something. A little definition that can change a lot of lives. It called a "parent". That's right, what is a parent? Well,Webster says" 1 a: one that begets or brings forth offspring b: a person who brings up and cares for another. So what does beget mean well, according ot Webster 1 : to procreate as the father : sire 2 : to produce especially as an effect or outgrowth. So, according to these definitions, if you bring up or care for another, you are a parent.

The papers.... Finally

laughterandtears's picture

Hi Everyone! I'm caught between excitement and fear here! We got the court papers today. By email. I'm going to post the email from the attorney:

Hey there – here’s the agreed order – BM has signed it – if it looks good to you and you return the fourth and fifth page signed it will be done. If you have any suggestions for corrections just let me know and I will ask BM if she’s good with them too and we can make changes if you two can agree on them.

Meet Master Nincompoop

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Okay, so I would post on myspace, but I have family on there and the last thing I need is my mother calling.

This will most likely be long.

Sat. was my birthday. I wake up and my DH is already up. The baby is still sleeping, which is scary, and SS8 is making a huge amount of noise in the kitchen doing G*d knows what.

More help

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Have any of you ever heard of B.A.C.A? They once saved me when I younger.

You can find a myspace link here

I sent them a message directing them to Madison's page and here to see that we are all trying. I asked to help. Maybe if we all send a message, they will help. This group is based out of Texas.

CPS worker just left

laughterandtears's picture

First let me say thank you to all of you who have supported me in this and to let you know how much it meant to me.

I was up until about 3am last night, feeling sick and worried and balling my eyes out. I don't like to wait. Waiting is one of the worst things that someone can make me do and I have a very active imagination, so a million senarios were running through my mind. Turns out all to no avail.

Hello Ladies

laughterandtears's picture

Just wanted to say that everything is B-E-A-utiful here. No drama, no arguing, fighting, calling daddy. And DH has been home a whole 3 days thus far!! YEA!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that it stays so nice and calm.
