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Advice needed please

wineoclock's picture

DH has emailed BM requesting contact days that he is able to do during the Easter holidays. She has responded back stating that she needs to know additional information before agreeing to the days that have been requested. She has specifically asked "where will both children (11 and 7) be sleeping? (location? own rooms? shared bed?)"

Does DH have to provide this information if he has parental responsibility?


Survivingstephell's picture

She's just being nosy.  Have him ask her why she picked him as baby daddy if he's so incompetent???   Any answer he gives will be used against him to the skids to make him incompetent in their minds.  Classic BM move 

BethAnne's picture

As long as there are no clauses in the custody agreement that state parents need to provide that information then it is not strictly necessary. 

I would respond something along the lines of "when the boys are with me I always ensure they have appropriate sleeping arrangements."

I might add..."Is there something in particular that concerns you?"....maybe, maybe if we look at her questions generously there is an issue with their sleep currently that she is not comming out and just saying ...some bed wetting, nightmares, the older boy is hitting puberty and wants extra privacy...?

I might also question her right back..."where do the children sleep when they are with you?" ... 

thinkthrice's picture

In beds with pilllows and blankets."

HCGUBM Chapter 3:  How to Control From Afar

Best to shut that down asap.  Need to know basis.  The less info the better.  She wants the unnecessary info to imply that she is the only real parent and to throw a monkey wrench into your plans.

Harry's picture

Not question.  And see what they are telling BM about sleeping arrangements?   Go from there 

ESMOD's picture

Do you know why this would be a question?  Is there some ongoing issue with them having to sleep on the couch sharing a pullout in the living room or something?

I do agree that unless the CO states a specific requirement that needs to be met. (maybe it says each child must have it's own bed?)  telling her that as a father he will be providing suitable sleeping arrangments should be fine.

BUT.. if the kids are complaining because perhaps.. they don't think that they have suitable arrangements.. then you probably need to look at what he is providing and whether that truly is adequate.. 

personally.. I feel each child should have a bed of their own.  Same sex and young kids 10-12 and younger can share a room but should generally have a separate bed.  When there are boys and girls over 12.. I do think that they should have some privacy and space not sharing with the opposite.  I realize that the ability to provide this when the visits are not regular can be a bit complicated.. but it has to be better than "both kids share the living room sofa bed)..  that might be ok for one kid.. or a couple of 5/6 year olds.. but your husbands have outgrown that as an option imho..   

Maybe I'm still bitter over my mom kicking me out of the hotel bed when I was 11.  lol.. my mom and I shared a bed.. my dad and brother shared the other.. apparently I was too restless..she made me sleep on the floor lol..

Winterglow's picture

She doesn't seem to understand that the only reason she can veto your DH's dates is if they clash with hers. She doesn't need to know about sleeping arrangements to validate his dates. The two subjects are not related.

Harry's picture

Most kiids have there own bedroom. Where it's there own space ,   Most kids don't want to share a room.   Most kids definitely don't want to share a bed.   What ever your sleeping arrangements are, the kids are complaining to BM about them.  Big question is where does the kids sleep.?  
'Kid s play one parent against the other.  Do you have other kids. Who  have there own bedroom ?


wineoclock's picture

The boys visit every other weekend and the previous arrangement was that they shared a bed as that was the only way they could stay the night. Now that the oldest is 11, DH felt that they shouldn't he regularly sharing a bed but that it would be manageable during the holidays. DH and I are saving up to buy a house that would be able to accommodate both kids in their own rooms long-term, but until then this is the only feasible arrangement for the kids to stay overnight. BM did not seem to think the kids sharing a bed in a small box room at DH's mother's house was a problem as she says they are brothers so it doesn't matter. But now that the oldest is 11 it is clear that he needs his own space - with all the pubertal changes and particularly as the youngest appears to have ADHD. There's also a concern that the oldest who is much biggger, rolls over onto his younger brother (7) who is very small for his age, while they are both sleeping. At BMs house they have their own rooms but she did not used to care what the sleeping arrangements were when the kids were with DH.  She's just being bitter as we got married last summer and we are trying to make changes that are better for the family. 

ESMOD's picture

why not get them bunk beds for now.. could probably get a set fairly cheap 2nd hand.. they are too old to be sharing a bed.. your husband needs to provide appropriate sleeping arrangements for his children. period. if BM pushes this to have CPS involved.. you will likely get some long looks from them over the bed sharing at this point.. on a REGULAR basis the kids are in the home of a parent that parent should have a bed for each child.  I don't see how he can justify otherwise.. there is a huge difference between the cost of a new home.. and a bunk bed.. get the bunk bed.

wineoclock's picture

The overnight visitation happens at DH's mother's house as per the CO from years ago. When the kids visit, DH sleeps in the living room and the kids sleep in DH's mother's room while she sleeps in her husband's room (they sleep separately due to snoring issues). DH spoke to the kids about having a bunk bed, but both kids are refusing to sleep on the top bunk. Not sure what to do at this stage until we can update the outdated CO and move from our 1 bedroom flat to a more suitable house for the kids. 


Winterglow's picture

Pull-out/trundle bed?

I'm surprised that neither wants sleep in the top bunk. Most kids will fight to get it!

wineoclock's picture

I know, it's so weird. I used to have a bunk bed as a kid and we would fight for the top! No space in that small room for a pull out bed either. The only other option is one sleeps on an air mattress downstairs, which is what we were going to trial out during the Easter break. Not ideal at all but for the short term at least. I just know DH will make sure the kids feel comfortable either way. 

Rags's picture

Hell no he does not have to provide this bullshit nor does he have to jump through his ass backwards on the command of BM for any other reason. His only duty is to engage with BM per the CO. No more, no less.

He needs to roll up a copy of his CO and beat the ever living snot out of BM with it (figuratively of course) when she tries this crap.

If I were him, my response to this bullshit from BM would be "Confirm the dates. If you in any way interfere in my time with my kid it will be game on in court. Kid care, housing, feeding, etc... when they are with me is non of your business. But, since you brought it up,  I expect a full architecturaly lay out of your home, high resolution photos of my children's rooms, beds, a clear record of who they sleep with since apparently that may be a thing in your home, clothing, daily nutrition records of what they eat, when they eat, a record of healthy bowel movements and urination activities, documented proof that you are adequately supervising  brushing  and flossing of teeth, (and a long list of any ridiculous thing you can think of to rub BM's nose in her idiocy on her requests).  After all, I have a duty to ensure that my chidren are being cared for commensurate with the care, feeding, clothing, education, etc.. that I pay you to provide via my CS."


Overstepping should never be tolerated and needs to be smacked down hard when it happens. IMHO anyway.

We did have "discussions" with the SpermClan over visitation sleeping arrangements a few times over the first 1/3 or so of the 16+  years SS was under the SpermClan visitation schedule.  It came to our attention that he was sleeping on the floor at the SpermIdiot's house while the unrelated multi baby daddy spawn of the F-buddy GF of the month had rooms and beds.  

What ended that crap was when we threatened to have CPS all up their asses for the neglect that SS had to suffer on visitation including sleeping on the floor in his "father's" house while his 3  younger half sibs by two other baby mamas and the F-Buddy of the month's unrelated spawn had rooms and/or beds.

SpermGrandHag lost her damned mind and took her 4GKs out of Spermidiot's home to her home and none of them ever lived with their father for more than an occassional over night ever again.  Unfortunately the law of unintended consequences bit us in the ass on that action several times over the following years.  

SpermGrandHag was already kicking  Spermidiot out of her rental property when he broke up with the current baby mama of the moment.  She was basically rewarding him for out of wedlock breeding.  After her 4th all out of wedlock GrandPawn arrived, she stopped kicking her idiot son out for not breeding.  After that when he would sneak a new F-buddy of the month and her prior relationship spawn in, SpermGrandHag would load the 3 or 4 actual GrandSpawn in her vehicle, drive to her rental property, park up the street, send the 3 or 4 GKs down the street to sneek into the backyard of the Hag's rental property that their Spermidiot was living in rent free. Once the kids were in the backyard, SpermGrandHag would go in the front door after knocking loudly and calling for the Spermidiot.  The back windows would fly open and the F-buddy of the month and her unrelated spawn would come flying out of the windows where SS and the other three Spermidiot spawned half sibs were waiting.

That no doubt screwed the kids up even worse than not having a room or a bed.  SS was old enough by then that he found it nauseating both in regards to his Spermidiot's juvenile crap and SpermGrandHags Harpy shit.

This was not a one time event. It happened a few times while SS was on SpermLand visitation.  I have no idea how many times SpermGrandHag dragged SS's three younger half sibs along on her batshit crazy escapades when SS was not on visitation.

The balls on this BM are ginorous.
