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Your royal b*tchy-ness

overitsm87's picture

SD15 walks into living room "UGH...there's still no sheet on my bed"
I'm sorry...who did you think would do it the bed making fairy.
You lazy entitled brat....what you meant to say is. "where is a sheet so I can make my bed?"

just another reason she annoys me so
okay..vent is over Smile

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Damn I hear those fairies are in SHORT supply.

I would've looked the bitch right in the eyes and just laughed hysterically until she left the room.

Little Miss Passive-Aggressive. We have one of those at the office and she's an adult. It ain't working for her, either. Blum 3

~ Moon

overitsm87's picture

I had to lay mine off with the recession and all ....
I just acted like I didn't hear her

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I wonder if she is in the court of Her High B***hness! LOL She would have surely gotten the death stare from me, with a reply something like, "Yeah? And? Are you broken?" That would surely get the death stare right back at me, but I'm immune to the death stare!