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Rapid Decline

SM12's picture

That is exactly what is happening with my tolerance of YSS.   The teen attitude has finally hit him and I am over it already.   

Last night I went to buy groceries and brought home dinner.   I was already peeved that I had to bring home dinner when DH could have handled that.   While hauling in a ton of groceries (with DHs help) and outing them away, YSS nearly knocks us over to get to the food. I almost didn't get any of the food because by the time I was done putting everything away, YSS was on his second plate. I get it, he is a dumb selfish teen.  Still aggravated.  Wth can't DH teach him about manners and courtesy....oh yea, because DH doesn't think about that stuff either!!
Then he proceeds to yell at MY dog all night and push her away from when she is wanting a pet.  She is a puppy and is still learning.  I previously told him to gently push her off the couch when she jumps on it but he isn't gently and he is mean.  I nearly lost my mind.

This morning I was telling DH about a coworker who lives near all the rioting.  YSS was not part of this conversation yet I had to hear HIS ignorant non informed opinion while he projects that he knows what he is talking about.  Ughhh I wanted to say "shut up little boy and let the adults talk"!

i was never more grateful then when he left for school. Lord help me it is a kid weekend coming up and i am not happy about it.


tog redux's picture

14-year-old boys are rotten creatures. I'd imagine DH being afraid to set any limits doesn't help. 

SM12's picture

DH is soooo afraid YSS will end up hating him that he tip toes around YSS.  So far YSS hasn't caught on to

how much he could extort from DH if he really wanted....thank goodness.  But I see it coming soon.

simifan's picture

Please order yourself something from your favorite restaurant and let the heathens fend for themselves until they learn some manners. 

Crspyew's picture

Did SS not have to help carry in / put away groceries?  You shouldnt have to tell your husband to make SS wait until all of you were ready to eat.  Your SS is certainly selfish and entitled  but your DH is the culprit here.  Honestly, I wouldn't shop or cook for either of them.  I don't mean to sound rude but I honestly don't understand why anyone puts up with this behavior.  You shouldn't need to tell your husband  that you deserve consideration and respect in your own damn home.  He should have snatched that boy up by the short hairs with no input from you!  I think I would have turned around and left w/o a word to either of them.  

SM12's picture

YSS did make one trip to carry In groceries.  I have already had that discussion years ago about the lack of help carrying in the groceries.  However YSS doesn't put anything away.  DH does help.  
And i agree that DH needs to get YSS in line and teach him respect and consideration 

Picardy III's picture

I'd be less angry at SS than at DH. I recall being a thoughtless teenager too, not even thinking to help my mom with the groceries, and making a beeline for the food I wanted.

Difference is, my parents pulled me up when I was selfish or thoughtless.