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Not sure how to approach this

SM12's picture

A few week ago my BS was home for a visit.  His sister was getting married so he spent a lot of time going back and forth.   The final few days he was here, YSS was also here.   We are all hanging out watching TV when YSS walks through the living room wearing some of BSs sweats.  I was shocked but thought maybe BS had given them to him since BS didn't say anything.   
The next day BS was carrying on about not having any shorts and implying I have them away or they were taken by YSS.  I knew I had sent them to BS but he was venting so I just walked away and he got over it. 

Tbis weekend DH mentions the sweats and basically jokes that YSS "found" them in BSs room and how funny it was that they didn't fit right.   This proved to me that BS had not given them to YSS and was most likely the reason for BSs anger. 

This isn't the first time I have had to tell DH and his spawn to stay out of BSs things.  It infuriates me and BS that his things are being used without permission.   Regardless if Bs only being home a few times a year, this is his only "home" and where his things are.   

So I have had to calm down a sec before approaching DH and YSS about this matter.   
Any ideas on how to bring it up without losing my mind over it?  It may seem like a small thing but I am just as mad as Bs.  


justmakingthebest's picture

I would just quietly put a lock on BS's door that requires a key. You can tell your Dh where it is kept in your room and give BS a copy. Tell DH that since his kid still can't respect other people's things, this is the only way that you can think of to keep him out.

SeeYouNever's picture

I would be mad too. Think of what kind of solution would work for you and BS before you go in, maybe a lock on the door or closet? If that's too drastic then think of what kind of consequences SS should have if he does this again. Your DH needs to speak to him about leaving BSs things alone while he's away. 

I don't think SS needs to be punished this time, just take the shorts back and anything else he has and your DH needs to let him know not to do it again and what the consequences will be if he does.

Chelseybychelsey's picture

It's your home so you tell ss to leave your kids stuff alone and if ss whines your dh needs to back you up.

tog redux's picture

I'm confused, why can't you and/or BS just say, "YSS, give me my sweatpants back and stop taking my stuff from now on". ?

WarMachine13's picture

Yeah, put a lock on BS's door. But don't tell your DH where you keep the spare key. Betting if he knows where it is it won't be long before SS knows too and uses it.