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My SS BM makes me want to scream!

MrsL920's picture

I have been in my SS life for 10 years. He's 11. His BM has been nothing but a complete sour bitch for the entire 10 years and has gone out of her way to be difficult about every Fucking thing she possibly can be... of course. We finally have taken her back to court for child support (which of course she is a complete victim and we are just money hungry jerks) because she hasnt contributed a cent towards her son since 2007. Over these last years she finds ways to constantly remind me (and her son) that I am NOT his mom... its amusing to me that while i pay his insurance and all his fucking bills or sit with him working through projects and studying for tests that at those times she manages to say nothing. She just submitted a bunch of receipts to the court to offset the thousands of dollars she owes us and go figure they are completely doctored... just waiting for the next court date to explain that to the judge.

She went to his school (for the first time since he was in K) and told them some made up story about having cancer and being too sick to be involved.... mind you thats just the story that we (and the school gets)...everyone else sees her driving around on her boyfriends motorcycles or partying it up while she acts like shes lying somewhere ill from her radiation treatment... shes a sick fucking pup. Phew.... feels better to vent Smile


stepmom-at20's picture

Its amazing how all these BMs want to play the simpathy card so that they dont need to be involved yet when it comes to making sure their kids no who is and who is not their mom they make a hell of an effort