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Still numb from shock

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So based on my past posts you may or not recall that BM was a hot mess and had quite the rap sheet. On the 6th DH was awarded sole custody and visitation was suspended.... last Friday BM went to court for sentencing and the judge revoked her bail (due to her subsequent arrests that occurred after she submitted) and she is currently residing in a correctional insitute until her next hearing on 29th where they are spposed to sentence her (I have heard buzz she could be getting 10yrs)....

**side note DH and I have SS in counseling to help him deal with any negative fallout from the situation. SS and BH have a crappy relationship but he is 13 and it can be a confusing time...**

So everything else aside... I have really sat back and reflected on how this leaves me feeling.... and its almost a surreal place to be... don't get me wrong I have found my overall mood is better...I feel less stressed and glad... I think that DH and I have an opportunity to really give SS a dose of normal (which by no means do I mean normal can't come from a blended family...but as u all know...the drama gets a little intense and BM has always been about the theatrics)... overall the last few days have been wonderful.... BUT (ahhhh there it is...)

There is part that feels "like wow... what now" like something missing... after 12yrs of nonstop bullshit from pyscho...I think I may need to take up a hobby to fill some of that time.... its amazing how much of our lives she has consumed...I mean I am sure... in another week or so we will have settled into our new normal (and amen to that)... but here and now... I would be lying to say that I am almost at a loss for what to do...

Oh well I guess... time to move on... to better things Smile
