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MrsL920's Blog

Still numb from shock

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So based on my past posts you may or not recall that BM was a hot mess and had quite the rap sheet. On the 6th DH was awarded sole custody and visitation was suspended.... last Friday BM went to court for sentencing and the judge revoked her bail (due to her subsequent arrests that occurred after she submitted) and she is currently residing in a correctional insitute until her next hearing on 29th where they are spposed to sentence her (I have heard buzz she could be getting 10yrs)....

You've got to be kidding me....

MrsL920's picture

DH has had joint legal custody and sole physical with visitation for BM since 2008.... Recently we modified and were granted sole custody and the judge decided to give BM suspended visitation... (we had asked for supervised)... BM texted me to ask "Under what circumstance was this granted"...mind you she didnt show up to court when the order was she only found out when I responded to her text to tell her she could not pick up SS13 Background... In Sept 2010 BM was arrested for 17 second degree forgery charges and 9 sixth degree larceny charges...

Translation needed from someone legal savvy

MrsL920's picture

So DH went to court this week and and order was entered to grant DH sole custody and suspend BMs visitation.... that's where my question comes in... the order says "the defendants rights of visitation are suspended with prejudice to her right to file a motion to request it"... help! I get visitation is suspended but what does the rest mean....

Dont know what to do.... Help me :(

MrsL920's picture

SS11 just came home from BM house yesterday. She called on Sun and told us she was having issues with him and he "freaked out" and threw a bottle at a wall at BGP house. (DH and I have never seen this kind of behavior but...OK...we understand things can happen and we need to work with him on it) back to yesterday.. BM jumps out of her car and comes barreling towards our door... I open and she says to me "I am not going to talk to you now..b/c if i do I am gonna freak the hell out on you" turns on heel and storms away... i come out and was like "Hey...


MrsL920's picture

Me: Hello?
BM: Hey... so um...I'm running late and even though I packed SS a really nutritious snack he didnt bring it... umm... could you.. since your working from home.. or your mom..bring him a snack? I mean if not... then...I guess I could try to get one back there but I have to be to work..."
Me: Oh ok...sure.. I mean he needs to have a snack
BM: I would turn around but I need to get to work, Thanks so much... bye

Bogus Receipts... is that illegal?

MrsL920's picture

My SS BM and DH are currently going through CS modification. She was supposed to pay 50% of everything and basically stopped paying in 2005...then made a larger payment in 2007 (when she received a lawsuit settlement... oh yes...she is one of those) and then hasnt paid since. DH and I have been relaxed... she has cried her poverty stories and we've just let it all tally... but the lines needs to be drawn when she cant buy herself extravagant new $hit and cant pay us a dime.

My SS BM makes me want to scream!

MrsL920's picture

I have been in my SS life for 10 years. He's 11. His BM has been nothing but a complete sour bitch for the entire 10 years and has gone out of her way to be difficult about every Fucking thing she possibly can be... of course. We finally have taken her back to court for child support (which of course she is a complete victim and we are just money hungry jerks) because she hasnt contributed a cent towards her son since 2007. Over these last years she finds ways to constantly remind me (and her son) that I am NOT his mom...