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Insurance Card

MrsL920's picture

Do i have to give BM copy of my insurance card? Its on file with local ER, SS Ped. and dentist. anything not immediately processed through insurance can be submitted after for pmt.


HennyPen's picture

we give our BM a card, and my ex gives me a copy of his for our son. What if she is in another county or city and something happens. I don't know what your huge reservation would be and it's a neccesity in todays society if medical care is needed.

MrsL920's picture

Hi Henny... my SS mom is a nut... she is the one faking receipts and submitting them to the courts... it makes me nervous. I am trying to have insurance restrict the account. Of course my first concern in medical care for SS... i wish we had an ideal situation where i had no reservations Sad

HennyPen's picture

oh yikes, then yeah I can see your issue there. But do check the divorce decree that is not court ordered to provide her proof of insurance for SS, otherwise you're DH will actually be in contempt of court if you do not provide it to her! I'd start there, see if it is ordered for him to provide a copy of the card.

and the above poster has a good point that many MD's and such require a copy of the card, maybe if it not court required for her to have a card you can send it directly to them or go yourself and provide it. Truth is, she could probably just get a copy from her DS's medical record.

stepmom2one's picture

I think all you can do is wait till she figures out that you have to give her a copy of the card.

In my state if the other parent asks it must be provided.

Denial's picture

I refuse to give BM the insurance info. We typed a letter giving her all the pertinent information needed for any facility to bill my insurance. We also sent a copy to the court.

At first BM insisted she needed my SS#, etc for the dentist. Called the dentist and they did not. She also started using my insurance right away and even though it's secondary - she tried having things billed as primary.

She even sent us a letter indicating that she contacted my prescription coverage and "tried to get them to change to his primary prescription coverage because it pays better than mine" - HELLO - I'm not financially responsible or legally responsible but I provide the coverage as my DH's company is out of state (out of network for every provider here) and costs almost $800/month. She obviously feels entitled.

She does not need an actual copy of the card, only the insurance carrier, group #, member ID (AS LONG AS IT IS NOT YOUR SS#!!!!). What I ended up doing after her written admission to identify fraud and an attempt at insurance fraud - I called medical, dental, eye, and prescription coverage carriers. I explained the situation to them and put a pass code on the accounts for everybody covered. They will not speak to anyone, providers included, without the passcode. I gave all of our and our son's physicians etc. the passcode.

When something happens with SS's Drs. they have been instructed to call me and I deal with the insurance company directly. They are only allowed to bill. It's extra work and headache for me, but let's say shes friends with someone at the Drs office - you never know.

BM has pulled off some very shady things and I will do everything in my power to protect myself.

HennyPen's picture

It is also becoming common practice to not use peoples SS#'s as their insurance ID's because of the identity theft issues. Just a random thought to add regarding the insurance.

MrsL920's picture

confused- i thought that whoever was the guarantor on the drs form was responsible for the balance.... it really would be my responsibility? If thats the case it will be a snowy day in hell before see even sees an insurance card.