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BM wants to call me out over text. Come say it to my face.

cloudySM's picture

BM sent a text directed to me on my stepdaughter's cell phone. She's mad that that SD12 has me listed as stepmom on her contact list and that she sent me a text saying "thanks for being like my second mom". I replied " Thanks for being a good kid even though we have our rough patches your a good kid. We love you ".BM sent this.

Let cloudySM see this. Bitch you better not be telling my kids to call you nothing with the word mom in it. You did not earn the right to be called mom. I am the mom. You are cloudySM not step"mom". Getting married does not make you a mother. You ugly piece of shit. You think your better than me. Ha. My dog's ass looks better than you. You got lucky my ex was done begging at my feet and moved on to something he could obtain. You lucky I don't go over there and stomp your ass. You wanna be a mom then get to laying on your back I'm sure you know how to do that you dumb bitch.

I was tempted to reply and get real nasty but I replied.

I never asked your kids to call me anything other than by my name and that is what they call me. I did not ask them to put me as stepmom on any phones. Please refrain from contacting me further or I will get the authorities involved. Have a nice day.

DH wanted to say something but he has a nasty temper so I'm just going to let hi stew. I love how she rants behind the phone keyboard but tries to be miss perfect in front of other's. Fat , ugly, dumb whore. Pregnant from a one night stand. almost 200 pounds over weight blaming it on child birth. Chick you had your last kid 8 years ago. Can't even tell your pregnant now. I don't like to put down anyone especially a pregnant woman but she has some freaking nerve.


QueenBeau's picture

Anytime someone starts to point insult your appearance etc means they have NOTHING else bad to say about you.

I hope your SD12 didn't see that text though. Smh

sixteensmom's picture

you've got to save that. what a horrible thing for her daughter to see.
can you block her from texting to sd12 phone?
there ought to be a law against texting that filth to a childs phone.

misSTEP's picture

Oh man, I'd have all SORTS of things *I* would have wanted to say. One of which would have been even a dog can get knocked up, bitch. Takes more than that to be a real mom.

Yes, she is insecure. Anytime a BM freaks out over the current wife being called the SM, that is a sure sign that she feels that her kids could love the SM more (probably because BM sucks as a mom and the skids like the SM).