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Worst. Mother's Day. EVER!

JEEMudder's picture

So my FIL passed away quite suddenly from cancer a week and a half ago. We traveled to his funeral in another province this weekend and just returned this evening. Mother's Day going unacknowledged was a given in my book. FIL was very important to all of us in more ways than I can describe in a forum post and we are all legitimately broken up about the whole situation.

I did not feel even mildly upset about this situation until we returned home and DH did the stupidest thing EVER.

He gets SD7 and puts her on FaceTime with her mom, insisting she needs to wish her mom a happy Mother's Day... I am standing there unpacking and cleaning our house going WTF!?!??!!!

Not once did I get acknowledged today. I ran across fields in high heels (long story) and I bend over backwards for this family and it is important to have SD7 call BM who treats DH like scum?!

Pretty sure I am justified in going to bed angry tonight


MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I'm sorry. They should at the very least given you a card.

I've been there and I know it's a low blow and hurts.
