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My middle Skid has no respect

scott652's picture

I'm a father of 3 Skids and for most part things are going well. My oldest daughter is 14 and she is a great kid and does a lot for the house and family . My Youngest is my 9 year old son and he has Autism but he also is a gem . The problem is my middle skid she is 13 and hates everything about me. She loves her Bio Dad a lot and that is fine but she has little to no respect for the house/ family. We caught her smoking (cigs and Pot) found a mini bottle of vodka in her room. I love her but im getting to the point of not wanting to be around her . I guess what im asking is , does anyone else ( which I'm sure) have issues with there teen skids that they are working on and can give advice.
Thank you very much

twoviewpoints's picture

What is the Sd's mother doing to address the pot and alcohol? Does your wife support you when it comes to dealing with the kids (all of them) and expect her daughter to show you respect as a adult figure living in the home?

scott652's picture

They are doing counseling ( mom and SD) and they do this once a month right . she supports me when it come to the two good kids but she is trying to support my trouble one and she doesn't talk to my troubled one about showing me respect. Hell i sent a text to the troubled one and she ignores me. she wont say hi or anything and my wife lets her eat her dinner in her room.