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18 year old step-daughter getting married

Beach's picture

I am going nuts! My 18 year old step-daughter has posted on her MySpace page that she is getting married on 23 December. Her father has not said anything so I don't know if he knows about it. Should I say something? When I have let him know what she was up to in the past it always seemed to blow back on me. Help! Sad

Beach's picture

Her "fiance" has also got the same information on his MySpace page, so it may very well be true. However, I have relayed information before that I got from "spying" and it always seemed as if I was the bad guy. Never mind the crummy things she was doing. This is on her. If she is actually getting married it is her responsibility to invite/include her father. I have disengaged from her because it hurt too much to watch her screwing up her life. Her mother was a drug addict and ever since she was 4 I have done all the motherly things - first haircut, doctor visits, orthodontist, tutors, etc. Now that she is 18 she has moved to the same city where her mother is, moved in with the boyfriend, and seems to have forgotten everything I tried to teach her.

I am SO glad I found this website. I really need to talk about this stuff and my husband and I can't discuss it.

Beach's picture

OK, OK, OK Smile

melis070179's picture

If you're not on her friends list, then don't say anything. Pretend you never saw it. If you are on her friends list, I would go ahead & mention it. Its sad, you guys can't talk about her at all?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Beach's picture

I am not on her friends list, her profile is set to private, but I can view it by going to the fiance's page. No, we can't talk about her at all. Before she moved out she had all her accounts and passwords on our home computer. I hate myself for doing it, but I spied on her bank account, MySpace and email accounts. She was getting in touch with old boyfriends and saying she still had feelings. Talking about having sex with other guys she knew, and generally being a tramp. This was happening while her "fiance" was at Basic training. I called her on it. Of course, I got a nasty phone call from her mother. My husband was furious with me. So, my new approach is not to be involved in any way. Sad

secondwife20's picture

That's how things tend to be sometimes.

We care so much and then they throw it back in our faces like we're nothing.

sarahbernheart's picture

yup thatz us, steps that want to try and help because we care about our SO and how this will effect them we care how it will affect the family we can see that our SO might have ROSE colored glasses on when it comes to thier angels.. so we try to help them see how it is not ok to spoil these "babies"
but we are the bad guys???
man what alternate universe is it that we live in???

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

TIRED's picture

Okay here I go.......... 23 yr old step daughter getting married to 3 year live in boy friend. He has only worked about 6 mo total in 3 years. wedding at our house, reception hall 400.00 cheaper if held on sunday. She wants it on saturday , father child and myself talk decide sunday is the day then I walk out of the room she cries and father goes with saturday. real mom is not providing anything financial never has. I thought after 18 years I would be done with being STEPPED on. I am so sick of this.

TinaKay's picture

Make up a fake screen name
and send her myspace page to him through it.
Play dumb about it as to who sent it.